A few days ago

What schools have great Physics Majors (Undergrad)?

I’m currently a senior from MA and embarking on the grand college search adventure and I’m trying to find schools with strong physics programs.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I’m not sure if you have any restrictions as to the location of the college, but I’d say the following have very strong undergrad Physics programs (in no particular order):

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Princeton University

California Institute of Technology

Harvey Mudd College

Pomona College

University of California Berkeley

Stanford University

I’m sure there are many others. This is just a sample.


A few days ago
If you look at any ranking of colleges (like US News), then you will find tha the rankings of Physics Programs is pretty much the same as the overall rankings of universities.

There is one exception. The great lieral arts colleges are not the best schools for physics.

There are a few minor changes. While Harvard is ranked above MIT — MIT’s physics department is better. But Harvard will still be in the top ten.

The great state schools (e.g., Berkeley, UNC, Virginia, Georgia Tech and anything in the Big Ten) all have great programs. Choose them over lesser state schools.


A few days ago
Try any of these: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, U Chicago, CalTech, Berkeley, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, UCLA, U Washington, Purdue, UMass Amherst, UT Austin, U Toronto, Stanford.

A few days ago
Of course the tiered universities will have top notch physics programs, they got decorated faculty.

I was making another list, when I realize they were all in the Big Ten conference.

I not sure how good their reputation is, but got good projects and facilities.

University of Cincinnati

New Mexico State University

This is a very good site. Yes, I know it has graduate programs, but has detailed information on what kinda of faculty they have and their areas of research.



A few days ago
Cornell University (Ivy League) in Ithaca, NY
