A few days ago

What is the easiest way to earn a bachelor degree with previous college credits from other institutions?

I have two associate degrees from a local community college and a few college credits from another college. I need a bachelor degree to land a better paying job.

Does anyone know of a major university that offers an adult or continuing education program that would allow me to combine the credits from my two associate degrees and additional credits with having to take more than 1 or 2 semesters (10 or less classes) to complete my bachelor degree either through distance or online learning?

If anyone knows of a credited university or program in which would allow me to earn my bachelor degree as mentioned above, I would be very appreciative of your help (answer).

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Any major university should be able to help you with this, you just need to decide where you want to go. When you apply to the university, you will need to submit all transcripts from other places to see what can get transferred. That’s great that you have two associates degrees, and that should pretty much get you clear of 1st and 2nd year of a bachelor’s, depending on the classes that you took and how they would apply to the major you choose. It’s also good that you have some additional college credits; I hope they are 3rd or 4th year major classes – this will help. I seriously doubt that you will wind up with enough transfer credits to get you down to only 30 hours or so, plus most universities will have a minimum number of hours you must take at that university for them to be able to award you a degree – but this could be around the 30 to 45 credit hour mark.

Seriously, contact some advisors at the major universities closest to you. They should be able to help you and probably even guide you to a major that all your credits would apply to.

Good luck.