A few days ago

What is the easiest fake business to open for a school project?

I need a business to open for our Principles of Business project…i want it to be a cool business which i can write and easy mission statement to.

Any type would do…but it has to be profitable

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

um… does it have to be similar to one today or can it be something we dont have today. LIke you could open your own Robot Factory you can make up like 3 different models of robots that help people in their daily lives. Include certain features each of them do and give them all prices, if your good it art on paper or computer maybe even try to make pics of them. Since we dont really not the cost of constructing a robot, make up some fake parts that dont exsist “today”. LoL it would be kinda fun to do.

A few days ago
What about starting a fake business like “homework help” ?

How about something like selling pens, paper, and pencils?

What about making a fake business like washing chalkboards? Or emptying trash cans at the end of the day?

I hope I am on the right track here…


A few days ago
Own a designer clothing store. The mission is easy: “Give the economy the best” or something.

A few days ago
make it a bakery….everybody, well almost everybody, likes cookies, donuts, cakes and pies so it would be very profiable and the supplies would be around the same price week after week….”buy” your eqipment from a used restaurant supply store, cutting the cost of opening expenses….get your “recipes” from mom’s and grandmother’s cookbooks so you can advetise “homemade”….would be fun and I think not too hard…..lots of luck and don’t eat up your profits….lol!!!!

A few days ago
Something about pets maybe,

like a pet groomer or dog walker


A few days ago
Call it The Lemonade Stand, and sell thirty different flavors of lemonade, in a store or something. raspberry, blueberry, limeade, stuff.

A few days ago
*WIDGETS* come naturally to mind. You can develop, design, manufacture (or repair) and market a widget for ANYTHING!

I bet your professor (teacher) will be impressed with the VERSATILITY of your Widget.

Good luck! 🙂


A few days ago
sell bottled tap water

A few days ago
Mimi M
paper boy

A few days ago
Sauce Me
n feed