A few days ago

what do i need to become a vetenarian assistant, and when is it good to fill out application for college?

what do i need to become a vetenarian assistant, and when is it good to fill out application for college?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You don’t “have” to go to school to be a vet tech. In fact most vet techs are taught by the vet they work for. If you want to go to school you can. It’s typically a one or two year program. Keep in mind though the expense of education versus the income of the job. You will pay thousands of dollars to get your certificate as a vet tech and in return you will make somewhere between $7 and $10 dollars an hour. That’s clearing about $21,000 a year BEFORE TAXES are taken out (and that’s figuring it at the high end of $10). So you may decide it’s not worth spending the money on the certificate when you can get almost the same education, if not the same, at a vet clinic.

Good luck with your career choice.


A few days ago
Well to become a vet ASSISTANT, you really need nothing. Experience working in kennels or any other type of thing with animals will help your chances. Many offices will train you on the job to be an assistant. If you are in highschool I would highly suggest getting a job doing kennels (feeding, dog walking, etc) to get your foot in the door. If you want to become a vet TECH, which is actually a 2 year degree, then you will need to attend school for two years, usually a community college offers the vet tech programs. There are usually requirements of having at least a C or better in several basic college classes (a math, biology, english etc) before you are accepted. A vet tech’s salary will usually be more than an assitant and they have many more responsibilities. Not all office hire true vet techs because they do not want to pay more. You can also get jobs at labratories doing research, which I have heard pays more than vet offices, but you wont have the opportunity to work with animals, except rats.

Contact the community college in your area and make an appointment with an advisor on what you need to do. They will guide you thru it and get you enrolled in the required classes to apply. Good luck!

Sorry but do not take the advice above from queen warrior. I mean NO offense but I have a lot of experience and been an assistant myself, and seen many many others get trained on the job… and as far as the veternarian field goes, the online programs are a complete waste of time, Im just saying for that field it is. I have heard this first hand from several vets (my bosses) too! Either get trained hands on at a clinic or go for the vet TECH degree. Trust me!


A few days ago
hey i’m taking a class online for wedding/event planner and they have vet assistant online.. and its soooo easy

the tuition is low and they will send you all the tools you need its a easy and fun experience. i just checked your course and its


$5 to get started


NO INTEREST so check it out
