A few days ago

Please recommend a list of 8-10 universities or liberal arts colleges i should apply to w/ my stats?

Please indicate reaches, mids, safeties. I’m majoring in biology/chemistry, so the schools need to have a strong and respected science program.

My stats are:

Ranked top 1% of class

Going to be a senior

1430 (math and critical reading SAT score)+ 2130 total

780 Math 2

720 Chemistry

690 US History

Taking Hardest Courseload at my School

Volunteer at Trenton Soup Kitchen

Volunteer at Hospital

African American

Volunteer at special kids camp in the YMCA

VP of science club

Captain President of Math Club

President of Latin Club

Active Key Club Member

Low-income family, so not sure if ivy’s are a good match deceased father

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Excellent list of accomplishments and your profile places you in great standing for scholarships/aid so don’t let the high cost of an Ivy put you off. Schools I would recommend that have top-flight Biology programs are as follows:



University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Boston University

University of Virginia



University of Iowa

The public Ivys like the University of North Carolina, the University of Virginia and the University of Iowa would be great choices for you. They offer large diverse student bodies, an excellent education at a relatively reasonable cost (even for out of state tuition), outstanding resources for students in the sciences and they’re each located in an ideal

(and safe) college town environment.


A few days ago
Thomas M
Honestly, with this biography, and stats, you will get probably admitted everywhere, and will have schools throwing money at you. No place is a reach with this background. Make sure you dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s on the financial aid forms, but if your family is really low income, the expensive private schools will give you good financial aid packages. I went to one, and several of my classmates from lower income backgrounds said it was actually cheaper to go there than to their home state’s public universities because of financial aid.

PS – You should probably apply to Rutgers just to be safe in case the financial aid doesn’t come through the way I’m saying (presuming you’re from New Jersey since you said you did volunteer work in Trenton), but you’ll probably get merit and/or diversity scholarships from a lot of very good schools, even if the need-based aid doesn’t work out.