A few days ago

PLEASE ANSWER!! What does “out of state resident” mean for college?

I have noticed on websites it shows the cost of in state and out of state residents? what does that mean? if i am from texas but will travel to live and attend college in nyc does that mean i am an out of state resident? why does it cost so much more for out of state residents that it does in state? thanks for any help.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If you arent living in the same state (when you apply) as the school you want to go to, then you are considered an out of state student. If your not living in New York and you want go to go NYC for school, then you probably would be an out of state student.

A few days ago
Melissa H.
Yes, if you are from Texas and plan to go to college in any other state you will be considered “an out of state resident”. Tuition is subsidized by government funding both on federal and state levels. The cheaper rate is given to residents of a state because of their history there. They have lived there for an established period of time with other interest than education, paid taxes, etc.

One way around this would for you to move to New York and live/work there for at least a year before you even apply to the school. That way you would be considered an established resident.

(That’s what I did.) Save a lot of money, just didn’t get to start school as early as I planned.

Another option would be to take less than full time credits. Many schools let you pay in-state tuition if you are taking less than 8 credits.


A few days ago
An out of state resident is any student who does not live in the state that college is in. It costs more for out of state residents to go to state schools because the taxpayers of that state are subsidizing the school.

A few days ago
“Out of state” means that you are currently not living in the state where the college is located.

For example, if you are applying for the University of California, Los Angeles and are currently living in New York, you WOULD be counted as an out-of-state resident.

If you are currently living in California, then you would be considered an in-state resident.

It is also fact that, you should consider this for financial purposes. Out-of-state colleges are always more costly.


4 years ago
you’re able to stay in a state for a minimum of a three hundred and sixty 5 days or 2 earlier a school will understand you as a resident. A resident potential residing and working in a state, paying taxes, costs there. in case you’re an out of state resident, you would be charged extra for training. verify the college for his or her definition of residency.

A few days ago
out of state resident means just that, you are not from the state you are attending college in nor do you have residency there. It is more expensive because the state colleges give discounted prices to those instate, but higher prices for those out of state. typically the public schools are still cheaper than private even if you are out of state

A few days ago
you are considered out of state if you go to a college outside of the state of which you are a legal resident, so yes you’ll be considered an out of state student. Colleges lower the cost of tuition for in state students because they want more students to go to their school instead of somewhere else. If you need help paying for tuition there are lots of scholarships and grants (fill out the FAFSA) that cater to out of state students.

A few days ago
that one guy
out of state means that you live in one state but go to school in a diff state… thus your tuition is EXPENSIVE!! ussaly twice as much… once you can prove you have lived in that state for one year your become instate and your tuition drops tot he norm rate..

however if you get involved with ROTC they will (sometimes) waive the outa state fees… something to look into


7 years ago
god knows better