A few days ago

okay so im having a problem???with school..does anyone have suggestions ???

i am stuck between these 2 careers. either —

1. Medical technologist—which is a 4yr program basically biology and chemistry….i will do 2 years at comm. college and 2 at univ.

2. Radiology tech then ultrasound tech… my com. college has a 2 year rad tech program. and it has a 16month ultrasound tech program–which can only be completed after completion of a associates degree. Ultrasound being my ultimate goal—if i choose this option.

IM not sure what to do…. both spark my interest..and i think pay scale is around the same once im certified and everything.

any rad tech/ultrasound tech with personal experience. to share?????anyone know what i should do????

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I would choose the radiology/ultrasound tech. I think it is more interesting and is probably in greater demand. It would also be less hazardous then the med lab tech. Sometimes you can even take radiology out of medicine and into industry as well, so it gives you more options. Good luck with your decision-they are both good choices.

A few days ago
If you are willing to go to a 4 year university, then why don’t you get a bachelor’s in radiology?

Not sure how many universities offer it, but University of Missouri-Columbia is the only 4 year radiology in Missouri.

You can be more familiar in other areas of imaging like MRI and C T and have lots of clinical experience.
