A few days ago

Need more info before I take a test!?

Need more info before I take a test!? I’m taking a graduate course in Algebra. I have a test next week and I have a professor who speaks over our heads. We are suppose to know the different types of variables. Can anyone dumbify(easy to understand) terms.

Variables as Specific Unknown

Variables as Quantities that Vary in Relationship

Variables as Parameters (this one I totally don’t understand)

Variables as Generalized Numbers

Variables as Objects

I e-mailed my professor and told her that our book doesn’t explain it very well and I googled and yahooed these terms but couldn’t find anything that made sense. She e-mailed me back and agreed that google and yahoo didn’t have anything. She did say if she came across a better definition she would let me know. She did tell me to look in Middle School and High School Algebra I & Algebra II books, but I didn’t find anything about these types of variables.I’ve searched in google scholar, but still now luck, PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Well, I’m not a mathematician and those terms are slipping off my mind like water off teflon–but no on else is answering so let me try some ideas.

1. Go to a librarian. They know clever ways to mine information. At minimum, they should be able to find an easy to understand introductory book in the subject–I can see it now, “Graduate-level Algebra for Dummies” 🙂

2. Go to your college’s tutoring center (do they call it “learning resource lab” or some such fanciful verbiage?).

3. Ask other members of the math faculty.

4. Assemble a study commando group of fellow grad students.