A few days ago

Mon, Wed, Fri or Tues, Thurs?

Im schedualing my classes for college and right now I have them set up Mon, Wed, where i go 10-6pm and Fri 10-1….I have the chance to switch to everyday only 9:30-1. I like the smaller schedual and everyday like highschool almost (afterall I will be a freshman) but the idea of getting the classes out of the way in 3 days is nice too.

I just need some advice 🙂

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

10-6 is a long day, but MWF is what I would choose. If you are looking to get a job, or even just participate in groups on campus, it is hard when you don’t have any free days. I am a senior, and I have made it a point to condense my schedule to as few days as possible. Think of it this way, by the time you get to your junior and senior year, you wont have nearly as much freedom with your schedule. You will have classes you HAVE to take, and they wont have as many sections of those courses.

For me, I have condensed my schedule to MTR, and it works really well. I have a long weekend to work, and a break during the week to catch up on my reading.

Remember, college is NOT like H.S. You have a lot more freedom. You can change your classes (typically a week into the semester), and you can always drop courses as well. There is less structure, so it’s also easy to fall out of good habits.

I can’t say what is best for you, but this has been my experience.


A few days ago
I like to get in and out for my classes so I tend to schedule them in longer bundles but less times a week. For me it is important because I have to travel to the university (I don’t live on campus) If you are planning to work while in school the 9:30 to 1 schedule would be easier to fit into that. If tou are not a morning person, perhaps the other is better. As a freshman – I would go with the 9:30 – 1 schedule because it can get pretty overwelming when you have exams falling in all your classes on the same day. The other schedule seems long for the average freshman.

A few days ago
Since you are going to be a freshman, I would recommend spacing the classes out. Beginning college is enough of an adjustment. If you go into it with all of your classes stacked on Tues/Thurs, it will be hard for you to maintain discipline (i.e. hey, I’ve got a 4-day weekend – woo hoo!). Not to mention you could end up with 3 or 4 tests all in a row on the same day! Yikes!

Once you’ve adjusted to college life you can go for the Tues/Thurs format. I did that a few semesters in my junior and senior years, but it’s a whole different story when you’re in your first semester.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Michelle C
Classes every day provides the advantage that you will have your out of class assignments and exams spread out over the week. This might be especially helpful around the end of the term when every class has items due or finals.

Consolidated classes will offer you an opportunity to work or fill the other days with other activities.

If studying is your primary focus and work is not a consideration, you may be better off having the classes spread out.


A few days ago
I usually recommend spreading your schedule through the whole week, unless a job or family commitment makes it impossible.

If you take a full load of classes on either MWF, or TTh, on the “off” days you will find yourself sleeping in, procrastinating because “you have all day” or just wiped out from heavy course load the day before. This is especially true if you have labs, studios, etc. and not just lecture classes.

Also if you spread courses through the week you will have break times between classes. Then you can grab a snack and sit and review info from the courses you just left. Doing that makes sure you’ve got it clear in your head and reinforces what happened in class. You would not have time in the day to do that if all classes were back to back.


A few days ago
Just another Y!A liar.
don’t schedule too many classes into what appears to be basically two days of the week (you have, I take it, perhaps only one class that will be meeting the three days, plus a lab that meets on Fridays only?). by this, what I mean is the following: hypothetically speaking, let’s say, you don’t want 4-5 classes in a row on Monday/Wednesday. depending on what your school’s final exam schedule will be like, you could potentially have too many final exams on the same day/final papers coming due at the same time. if you’re going to be living on campus as opposed to commuting to school and, as such, will therefore not be adding any more time to your school days through driving, I would suggest spreading your schedule out so as to avoid the potential headaches that could result from having far too much to possibly deal with in one day. anyway, that’s just my opinion. you’ll obviously (and quite rightly) do what you think to be best. good luck!

A few days ago
Do MWF. The classes are shorter. Both schedules let you have time between days, but in my experience the MWF schedule just flows better. It’s closer to a regular schedule which is helpful for meeting with friends who go every day, that and it gives you one more day to spread exams over. You will have more than one exam some days with TTH, but not necessarily with MWF. Trust me, nothing is worse than having two or three exams back to back on one day.