A few days ago

Looking for suggestions for MS/MA in Bio-Psychology with an emphasis in Abnormal Psychology/Pharmacology.?

Any suggestions and links to prospective schools or programs please.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

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Check out the APA Guide to Graduate Study in Psychology. It lists every graduate program in the country and can be purchased on the www.apa.org site. However, I am skeptical whether there is a terminal master’s degree program in such a specialized field. You can look at General Psych programs and Clinical/Counseling oriented programs for the special research interests of the faculty members. If your graduate mentor specializes in the area, it won’t mater that it is a master’s level program because you will have opportunity to study your interest in depth. However, most often people with such specialized interests enter a doctoral (PhD/PsyD) program with only the bachelor’s degree in hand and acquire a non-terminal master’s degree on the way to a doctorate. Does this answer your question or raise others?

4 years ago
you’re incorrect. there is not any Astrology way or psychology way – that is all wisdom way, subsequently each little thing is expounded. Now, in case you have reported Mathematical way or psychological way – that is already a rely of concept of two distinctive wisdom of human strategies. the motives of Astrology are fairly related to the psychology. The astrologer won’t be able to function astrology nicely sufficient if he/she isn’t conscious of the concepts of human mentality etc. on a similar time as some charlatan astrologers use psychology to their benefit and for mere concept, different use it to get rid of and shrink any particular mistake in information for the time of the communication a.ok.a the sharing of the information. That being reported, and regardless of what you desire, my mere objective grow to be to in user-friendly terms make sparkling that astrology’s no longer as precise as psychology especially components, yet from the factor 0 – why might somebody even learn 2 distinctive components of human wisdom? each wisdom has that is methods, whether psychology is a lot much less stressful to income than astrology is to make a high quality analyses. Edit : nicely while you’re so helpful that I gave you an opinion and that i myself “attacked your wording” (which i did no longer) as much as the factor which you weren’t even asking a question touching directly to astrology, i detect it slightly smug, whether you have no argument to declare that I gave you an opinion considering that is extra of an philosophical rely fairly than logical. considering there is not any genuine compartmental factor between astrology, which suits virtually like a language, and psychology, nor genuine empirical learn of the two, that is in user-friendly terms a matte of decision of somebody based upon his/hers very own decision regardless of no rely if that is a variety of have confidence, concept or, fairly, wisdom (in much less circumstances). So, in actuality, your question is valid, yet there are no logical arguments no rely if to chosen one or the different, yet a logical option to choose psychology because of the fact that is extra effective interior the climate of helping to the guy, on a similar time as the astrology’s extra perfect used interior the words of “why we adore somebody” and interior the concerns whilst human beings say “chemistry ones”. the two way is okay, yet astrology’s far extra commonly used than psychology will ever be.