A few days ago
The Big Bean

Is me being in marching band a good choice?

ive been in high school marching band for 2 years (http://www.twhsmusic.org just in case u wanted to see) and my dad doesnt like it because of the late night practices and performances and he keeps nagging and saying “you can be in another class” or “all those practices and performances just waste your time” and “you can be getting a job instead”

my question is: what are the benefits of being in band? is it just like a sport where i can get a scholarship? please tell me. i need something to defend myself with.


Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Band is like sports scholarships are possible. Furthermore schools LOVE to see extracuricular activities on your transcript. It will help you get in to a good college especially if you keep up good grades. Also if it is something you love doing it will help you destress, which should help you with school work and chores. Being in a marching band is also very good excercise…make your dad march while holding an instrument, he will get the point. And as far as late night practices go…it could be worse you could be out getting high and drinking late at night. And even if you wanted to do those things I bet you would be too tired after practice to sneak out and do it. Colleges don’t care if you had a job in high school they want to see that you did something to contribute to the student body, it makes you look like you care about others. But if that’s not enough for your dad try explaining to him that you understand the importance of getting a job and having responibility. And that you understand the value of time and money. Maybe offer to pick up an extra chore to appease his need for you to work. You could always explain to him that as much as you value hard work you also value commitment and you have made a commitment to the band and you intend to be a man of your word.

A few days ago
David L
Actually, being in band is a good thing. It connects you with a team, it gives you a sense of belonging, it makes you a part of something, it teaches you music. Band is more than just a class, you can learn to appreciate more kinds of music, you learn to take direction. You didn’t say what instrument you played, but you guys have a pretty nice website.

Stay with the band. Some colleges look for new band members and there is always a chance for financial help once you are in college. If you like it, stay with it. Don’t give up!. So unless your dad insists that you give it up, stay in band. You will never regret it. besides, by the look of the awards, you guys are pretty good!!


A few days ago
marching band is awesome!! its a great activity to put on college apps — it looks really good to them! yes u can get soo many diff scholarships from band..the other perks — u meet some really great ppl who might turn into life long friends. plus u have a skill/talent that everyone cant say they have. playin an instrument is hard enough – now try doin that while marching across a field, and playin pieces of music by memory! lol (yes, i have experience)…so stick with it! if u like it dont let anyone — even ur dad — make u wanna stop. plus if u stick with it in college, u will not regret it!

6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

Is me being in marching band a good choice?
ive been in high school marching band for 2 years (http://www.twhsmusic.org just in case u wanted to see) and my dad doesnt like it because of the late night practices and performances and he keeps nagging and saying "you can be in another class" or "all those practices and…


7 years ago
For one thing, marching band is the only thing in school that offers up to 4 guaranteed scholarships. Tell that to your dad!

A few days ago
Fly girl
It’s a great extracurricular activity to put on your college applications. It helps to give you self-esteem, confidence and keep you in optimal physical health. You can also earn a college scholarship.

A few days ago
Way too many responsiblities :/
Yep, you can get scholarships from it. Say “well did you participate in any sports/clubs in highschool?” most likely he did. then say “well, whats the difference?” Also marching band is fun, and if you like it, you should stick with it.