A few days ago

Is it odd for a college student to take notes in class with a laptop instead of a notebook?

I’m becoming a freshman this semester and I really want to do well in my classes. I feel that I can take better and quicker notes on a laptop but I am so worried about doing so because I always see everyone just using a paper and pencil. Is it that rare/odd for a student to take notes with a laptop? Will the teacher mind?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Just ask your teacher ahead of time if it’s OK. If you can type faster than you can write, then use the laptop.

After class, make sure you go back to your notes and clean them up. You’ll need to reorganize and condense the material. Doing so will reinforce the lecture and will also make it easier to study for the next test.


A few days ago
If you feel more comfortable bringing a laptop that’s fine because chances are you won’t be the only one in your class and even if you were people wouldn’t consider you odd or weird. Some teacher get bothered because they think you’re playing games on the computer and not focusing so you may just want to ask them whether or not they care. Just know that lugging a round a laptop from class to class can be a hassle and some classes it is best to have a notebook for 🙂

A few days ago
It’s not unusual but I would ask the professor and the people who you sit near before you start clacking away at the keyboard.

If it is a small or discussion based class, the noise of typing can be distracting so I would check. If it is a lecture based class, I don’t think there would be a problem.

I write it on paper and then type “notes from my notes” right before a test. I use the process of typing and the prioritizing necessary for that as a study tool.

Good luck in school!


A few days ago
I do it, and am not the only one. I am in grad school, I will be back to work in September and still studying full-time. I do not like to lug books around and can put information on my computer, sometimes including copies of texts I will need in class.

My notes are now extremely well organized, I can find things fast and work during a lunch break or in between classes with ease.

This is so much better than the pen and paper, I cannot imagine having to go back!


A few days ago
Every university and professor sets their own rules about taking notes on laptops. I used my laptop for most of my classes during college, and took regular notes in classes which required me to sketch things out to better understand them, such as math. I only had one professor ever make me turn off my laptop, because my typing was distracting him. I type relatively quickly and the rapid tapping he said was the equivalent of listening to students repeatedly clicking a pen open and closed.

The biggest problem most professors have with laptops in the classroom are students who are surfing the web or chatting on instant message instead of actually taking notes. This is a huge issue at my college because students were in class fact checking the professor’s lecture and pointed out all the errors in it during the class. The administration and the faculty members argued that by allowing students to fact check their lectures during the lecture it causes a cooling effect and is distracting.


A few days ago
In undergrad (1999-2003) almost no one used a computer for notes. Now, in law school, nearly everyone does. I really like taking notes on the computer. I would ask the professor on the first day of class if it is okay to use the computer for notes. Then, sit off to the side or further back so as not to distract your classmates.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Love my Family <3
It just depends on the University…I go to a relatively small university (5000 undergrad, no grad students) and the majority of people still use paper and pen, but you can see a trend of switching over to the laptops. Most professors have no problem with it. For me, my laptop worked out better. I was able to stay organized and could type faster than I could write. Go for it I say! Good luck with college 🙂 It’s a great time…this is my last year!!!!

A few days ago
Many students use laptops in class because it is a quicker way of taking notes. the best thing to do is to ask your professor on the first day of class if he/she minds if you use the laptop while taking notes.

A few days ago
do whatever you feel comfortable with. although i’ve had some professors who didn’t allow laptops because students would be surfing the web instead of paying attention (pretty much only in small lectures though). more and more students are using laptops these days…just make sure there’s an outlet nearby where you can plug it in if you need to!

A few days ago
No it is not odd. In fact in many classes this is warranted. For instance in particularly difficult class such as a law course, taking notes via a laptop would probably be preferred.