A few days ago

is it bad to take a break for the first semester of college?

I have some problems with my first semseter tution, and so i might have to take a break for the first semester and start spring, and so I was wondering if it is bad to do that? please help

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

sometimes, it can be really bad. depends which class. but i personally wouldnt skip the first semester because everything is pretty important although i am now in 9th grade. i cant really tell u much. hope u have a good time!

A few days ago

If you are facing financial difficulty or having trouble outside of school, taking a semester off is fine. A lot of people do it. Just make sure it is for the right reason.

I recommend you do the following. Enroll at JC. Take 1 or 2 online classes and see how you do., Next semester start taking classes wherre you have to go to and you can transition that way.


A few days ago
Happy Halloween!
no, it is not bad to be taking a sem off.. my sister did this and it actually helped her in choosing a major.. b4 she had no idea what she wanted to do , and that time really helped in choosing a career without wasting money on courses that she might not need later.. so actually it might be a good thing for you.. good luck and don’t worry about it you’ll be fine 🙂

A few days ago
No, it wouldn’t be bad. The college doesn’t care, it won’t affect your transcript or anything.