A few days ago

if i want to go to school for fashion/ fashion photography what do i major in?

if i want to go to school for fashion/ fashion photography what do i major in?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Don’t major in fashion, because fashion has nothing to do with photography. It’s the work you decide to pursue as a photographer that’ll define what kind of photography work you do.

Do landscape photographers major in landscape/landscape architecture? They don’t, because it’s not beneficial. Most fashion majors are strictly for design. They never offer courses in photography, unless it’s an elective. They’ll never focus on fashion photography because a fashion major is mostly either design or merchandising.

The only school I have seen that actually offers a major in “fashion photography” is Central St. Martins in London. They in general are one of the world’s best schools for anything fashion, including design.

If you’re looking to stay in the United States, your best bet is to end up going to one of the best schools you can get into for Fine Art or Photography. Usually these schools will allow you to go and venture off into your concentration of photography. If you want fashion, your best bet is to be in places like Los Angeles or New York City, where there actually is a market for fashion. Schools like FIT http://www.fitnyc.edu , Pratt Institute http://www.pratt.edu or Parsons http://www.parsons.edu in NYC, are your best bets. Many famous fashion photographers have come out of these schools.

BTW you don’t need to go to college to be a fashion photographer, it’ll only help you to make connections, but other than that alot of working as a photographer is NETWORKING and not being a shy timid person. I use to date a guy who was self taught and wants to be a fashion photography, and through much hard work he’s now getting hired for gigs. I think he’s now even working for David LaChapelle in his studio as an assistant or something.


A few days ago
Sarah C
Go to FIT. Major in Fashion with a double major in photography! The field is competitive so you’d better be willing to work hard! If you end up getting a masters, go for Fashion Merchandising or even Human Ecology to get your bases covered.

A few days ago
Art, with an emphasis in photography

or fashion with a minor in photography