A few days ago

I will have B.S. Electronics Engineering Technology and want to pursue graduate studies…options?

What are my options for graduate studies having a B.S. Electronics Engineering Technology…also, I ran across a Masters Certificate from Villanova…I’ve never heard of a Masters Certificate…what’s up with that? Is that anything worth looking into…how valuable would that be?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

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Master Certificate… doesn’t sound to good to me. I would imgaine it is a graduate minor of some type.

You best bet is get a masters of science in your field.

Some universities offer professional engineering degrees, but that is just a certification, and I would imgaine it is like a co-op thing, because you need to have work experience under a professional engineer to get a professional engineer degree.

Usually, with a 4 year degree, you pass the EIT (Engineer in Training) exam. Work under a professional engineer for like 4-5 years (not really sure), then pass a final exam to get professional status.