A few days ago

I want to go to college… helpp?

I want to go to college to be a dentist. I am nineteen years old. I have a high school diploma & completed a dental assistant course. I’ve been a medical assistant for almost a year now. what college can i go to theat’s either in the New York or New Jersey area that would accept me. I have not taken my SAT test . Is that necessary & if so where could I take take it even though I’m already out of high school?

Thankk Youuuuu! =]

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
jelly tots

Favorite Answer

I am pretty sure that all the major schools like NYU have dentistry, as they also have hospitals.

I don’t think you will be able to get in without SAT’s. You will also have to most likely first have to complete your Bachelor Degree, which will go include a lot of Biology and Chemestry and those sort of classes and then go to Graduate school to become an actual dentist and not assistant.

If you really want it, be prepared to do a lot of studying and a lot of work. When you write your letter for application your previous courses should benefit you. Be also prepared to pay quite a bit of tuition if you wan to go to a good school here.

A lot of dentists have done their degree overseas because it is cheaper.


A few days ago
You have to first take the SAT I and maybe SAT II, apply for an undergraduate 4 year college….graduate with a science degree and pre-med background.

Take the MCATs, then apply to med school (given that you have a high GPA in your bachelors AND you have a good MCAT). Med school is 4 more years plus 2 to 4 years residency.

Basically you have 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of med, and at least 2 years of residency. You have to take the SATs, MCAT, and keep a very high GPA in undergrad.


A few days ago
go to this site www.ada.org

it will give you information about schools in your area and what are required for acceptance. you will have to take the SATs to get into any university.

the entry test u will have to take is called DATs (dental admission test)..not the MCATs that is for doctors


A few days ago