A few days ago

I need help with colleges!?

Ok well I’m a Junior in high school. I want to study interior design but I do not know what colleges or institutes there is that can teach me that does anybody know names I live in California so I need the name of colleges in california. And those anybody know where I can financial aid.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

UC Berkeley, UCLA, all UC’s cal states are generally cheaper

cal grant! all you need is a gpa verification form that you can get in your high school counseling office. theres a website too but i dont know what it is google it.

good luck



A few days ago
Apple Gal
Collegeboard.com is a great site that I use when I’m looking up about majors. It has a great college search area here: http://collegesearch.collegeboard.com/search/adv_typeofschool.jsp. You have different pages so they can minimize your results, as you’ll see the first is about size, the second will be location where you put in California and then you find the major information and select Interior Design. It is a great medium and has helped me find nearby schools that have my major as well .

A few days ago
Level 7 is Best
Try this for starters :http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22interior+design%22+colleges+california