A few days ago

I’m considering going to college / uni or really some form of higher learning.?

But seeing as i left school like 4 years back, i really dont know where to turn for the most basic of advice (fees, terms, one course or two..).

what i need is like a Connexions service for over 20s, any ideas???


Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer


If you wish to continue your studies, there are 2 ways of doing so, option A is part time and Option B is full time.

This is the 1st decision you have to make. If you choose option A – part time, that means day time you work and night time you study or week days you work and week end you study, all depends on the college/university that you signed up.

This option is very tiring but you will build you career at the same time you working on your qualification.

Option B is commonly followed by most fresh grad. You study and become a students, no work or work when you free only.

Once you choose that, then you choose your course and look for colleges or universities that have that option.

Basically, your options will be quite limited by then.

Hope this helps.


A few days ago
Most advanced education institutions offer what is called a “school of continuing education”. This is a simple way to get into a college without having to withstand the rigors of a full course load as well as the financial expense.

A few days ago
Thomas M
If you’re in America, try your local community college. If your British, try an Open University course or two. either should have a web site where you can look up the details you want to know about.

4 years ago
the dude above me neglected out james prepare dinner college in townsvill (a good distance north QLD) they have an exceptionally solid marine biology element….. my brothers doing it lol so i dont no that plenty approximately it

A few days ago
Aravinthan J
for info on colleges and universities… check www.google.com dnt no anythin else…! sory…!