A few days ago
soleil s

i have an incomplete grade?

how can i convince my instructor and get graded while i wasnt sick , i was just in too much depression that i couldnt do anything, so i need a good reason to convince him

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The only way that I can think of to sway your prof is to get a note from your doctor or psychologist that states that you are clinically depressed and that you are under going treatment. Most professors require doctor documentation to excuse an absence for illness, so you will have to get one of these. Your professor still has the ability to give you an incomplete because you were physically able to go to class. It is up to their discretion. I would recommend a few things to help your case-first be extremely apologetic and be willing to make up classwork-even with extra assignments for the class time you missed, and explain this. Reassure your professor that this does not usually happen, and that it will not happen again (and you have to be prepared to follow through with this claim!!!).

Finally, if you truly feel that you should get the credit, and the professor will not budge on the topic, you might try speaking to the dean of the department. Explain clearly and concisely your reasons for missing class, do not be emotional about it, do not say nasty things about the professor, and do not blame anyone-but yourself. The dean might see it in a different light and step in on your behalf.

Remember-you missed the classes, and the work, so be prepared for the prof not to excuse you, and to stick with the incomplete-and be nice if he sticks by his original decision. Chances are that you need this class for your major, that you have to have a passing grade in the class, and that you will have to take it again if the prof doesn’t change his mind. And if the professor you currently have is the only one that teaches it, you will have to take it from him again-so be nice so he doesn’t flunk you the next time!!!!

Good luck!!!


A few days ago
Elaine P…is for Poetry
Depression is an illness. Get a note from your doctor. Tell the teacher you’ll take the tests to complete your grade. You might also get your parents or an adult guardian in your family to meet with your teacher and try to negotiate the problem.

A few days ago
Actually I find, telling the truth usually works. If you are willing to make up the work you missed, professors are usually willing to help if you are honest and upfront about any issues you are having.