A few days ago

How hard is it to get into Harvard?

If you got 10 A* in your exams(this is not about me,someone else) is it still hard to get into Harvard?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Harvard would probably not look any more favorably on someone who has straight As and a 2400 SAT as they would with an unweighted GPA of 3.9 and an SAT of 2300. They would know tht both students are qualified.

Harvard accepts 9% of those who apply. Let’s assume that 75% of those who apply are actually qualified to go to Harvard. That meant that they would all of the unqualified applicants and still reject 88% of all the qualified applicants.

What Harvard will do is collect all of the qualified students, and then choose which stand out based on other criteria. This means looking at extracurriculars, recomendations, admissions essays and how the applicant fits into the overall picture. This means that a qualified applicant from Wyoming might get in when compared to a qualified applicant from Concord, MA. Harvard gets lots of applications from qualified students in Concord — but few from Wyoming.

So — yes — it is hard to get into Harvard. It is the most selective school in the US — possibly in the world.

Those who say money matters do not know what they are talking about. The average student at Harvard pays less than the average students at most public universities.


A few days ago
I dont know what some of the other people are talking about (Harvard 3.4? must have had PERFECT test scores…)but I personaly applied to Harvard with a 4.2, a 31 ACT, a 2120 (out of 2400) SAT, volunteer hours, sports manageer, bilingual, peer tutoring (and many many more qualifications) and I got rejected from Harvard but not Yale or Stanford so I think it depends but I know they DO rely heavily on grades and SAT scores so you want to at least be on the top 10% of your class to have a decent chance.GOOD LUCK!

A few days ago
A recommendation from an alumnus carries weight. Get one if you can. Be sure to apply to other schools. Harvard can’t accept every qualified person who applies.

A few days ago
It’s very easy if you know the secret. Just have your father or anyone for that matter, give Harvard an endowment in the area of a million dollars or so.

A few days ago
It may be hard to get into Harvard, but it’s easy to get out without learning much of enduring value at all.

A few days ago
Dr S
GPA isn’t the sole reason why people get accepted to any college. you can have a 4.67 GPA who is president of ASB and quarterback of varsity football team and still get rejected. What also matters is if the school is a good fit and that they have a lot of diversity.

A few days ago
It’s actually not hard at all as a matter of fact my cousin goes there and she only had a 3.4 it’s not as hard as people make it seem trust me..=]