A few days ago

How can I be success in online courses?

How can I be success in online courses?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

dont neglect your studies.

keep a fixed timing everyday

or number of hours to b completed per week

make and stick to a realistic timetable

have fun while learning

read and make notes.

be sincere and true to yourself..

about completion of topics.

review just like u would at a classroom session.

and you wil b a success with your online course

good luck!!


A few days ago
Always turn in your work on time. For each online college there are different ways in which attendance and class participation are calculated. If you follow those rules, you’ll be successful. Also, whatever reading material the instructor has for you to read or go over, do it. You will not learn any other way. Good luck with your education experience.

A few days ago
Try your best and you will succeed.