A few days ago
Hey! Is it true that graduate school for International students in Germany is tuition free?
what universities in Germany (names and location) provide MS or Ph.D in English Language for the following majors for FREE:
Aerospace Engineering or Aerospace/Automotive Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Applied Physics
Engineering Physics
Nuclear Science or Nuclear Engineering
Please if you have any information answer me, u’d be of gr8 help! thanks 😀
Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Favorite Answer
I don’t think there are any…there’s been lots of posts in forums but no one has ever provided any names on universities or concrete evidence…
5 years ago
The “free tuition” has been changing in recent years, as Unis in Germany begin to get tighter with their budgets, and have been adding more fees. I went to Uni for a year in Mainz (2003 – 2004) and there was a protest (of maybe 5000 + people) because the Uni was planning to charge around $600 – 1000 per year, which was up from around $300. There was even a protester who interrupted a lecture I was in with a guitar and began singing “Freedom Songs” by Bob Marley. Since I was paying nearly $30,000 for the year of study abroad, I found it hard to sympathize with them. Still, there are a couple of things you should be aware of. 1) You need to pass a German proficiency exam before you can enroll. It requires a fairly high level of German and you will need a good deal of formal study before you can pass it. You need to do this in either your home country, or in Germany, at a language school (which will charge tuition). 2) Tuition may be minimal at the German institutions, but you still need to pay your living expenses (food, lodging, etc.) As the German unemployment rate is a little high, they are not too keen on giving working visas to foreign students, although sometimes you can find work at English langauge schools, like Berlitz. 3) One of the side effects of the low tuition (and shrinking budgets) is overcrowding in the classes. Enrollment is often based on a first come, first served basis. When I was in Mainz, once the enrollment limit was reached, anyone who was waiting was told, “better luck next semester.” I knew people who had been waiting up to 5 years to just get into a single class. A result of this, is that it takes some people 10 years or more, just to graduate. I was able to avoid problem #3 by going through Middlebury College’s (Middlebury Vermont) excellent study abroad program. Middlebury has an arrangement with the Mainz Uni so that their exchange students are allowed to enroll in classes 95% of the time, regardless of whether they are full or not. Of course, the German students sometimes resent you for this, but most of them don’t and most of them are simply unaware of this special treatment. I hope this helps you out. Viel Glueck.
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