A few days ago

help Regarding College Majors ?!?!?

I graduated from high school recently and I’m attending orientation tommorow. I’m still debating if I should major in business or take the pre-med path. I’ve always been very passionate about the health profession and really want to be become a dentist. I took AP economics and AP calculus in high school and did really well in them. I feel that this would be beneficial if I plan on majoring in business. Every single time I ponder upon the decision of the two, people would give me different advice. Some would tell me that I should do what I love, but others would tell me that if you’re good at something you should go ahead and pursue into it. I took biology and chemistry class in high school but I was so overwhelmed with other AP classes in highschool that I tended to neglect my sciences courses. I went to a low performing high school in a area that was at a economic disadvantage and many of the science teacher seemed to set horrible standard. We hardly did anything in class.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You need someone to help you identify your future career. You have some ideas already, but an expert can make it easier to sort them out. You definitely want to find a rewarding career, but also one where you will sort of like the day-to-day work that you’ll have to do.

The place to get help with those issues is the career development office of your college’s student services department. They have tools to assess your attitudes and they’ll help you figure out if you’d be happier with the day-to-day of dentistry or business. They also can help you identify graduate schools (essential if you choose dentistry), to prepare your resume, to polish your interviewing skills, and to make contacts for post-graduation employment (if business).

So make your appointment with them as early as possible in your college studies–your first semester will be filled with general ed. courses that will apply to both programs so getting with the career people in a couple of months will be soon enough.

Understand that selecting a career early doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind later. What is does is to give you a clear goal–and if you make progress toward that goal but then change, you’ll find yourself further along toward the new goal than you’d have been if you just drifted.

BTW, if in the end you choose business, you should understand that a business degree doesn’t necessarily make you a top candidate for any job. Many business professionals don’t have business degrees (including over 50% of the CEOs of the Fortune 500), they have either experience or a degree in some other area. You should plan your business degree program to build impressive skills in a particular area of business; being specifically prepared for distribution or human resources, for example, makes you look like a better candidate to fill an essential slot.


A few days ago
Well you don’t have to decide right now what your major is going to be. I didn’t decide until the second semester of my sophomore year. The best thing for you to do would be to take both business and science classes and see which ones you like better. Let me warn you college is nothing like high school. If you find that you like both business and you still want to be a dentist, then you could double major in Business and Biology (or Chemistry). I went to college with a guy who majored in both Chemistry and History and he went on to medical school. Or you could just major in business and just take all the required pre-med courses. You don’t have to be a science major to be pre-med, you just have to take the required courses in biology, chemistry, physics, and calculus.

But the best thing to do is remain undeclared until you get a feel for your classes and see which ones you like best. Good Luck!


A few days ago
I think this depends on YOUR priorities. Do you value being completely satisfied with your job while earning a lesser wage, or would you be happier with more money? I am not being condescending or sarcastic. I just know that no one but you can decide your future. Go with what you value the most…money or satisfaction? Some people even think that money brings satisfaction. So, basically I am just saying that this is something you need to think about and not something that other people should decide for you….(or else you will never be happy and be blaming your failures on other people). Good luck (either profession sounds great to me and remember that you can always change your mind if you are hating the path you chose)!

A few days ago
I’d shoot for pre-med…if you can’t cut it academically you can always fall back to business…no brainer dude, go pre med and study your *** off…if you can’t hack it that’s cool, you know you gave it the old college try. If you slacked in science in HS I doubt you scored enough on your sat to get into pre med anyway…you’ll be way behind…but it’s still worth a try…if you took AP Calc u have some smarts…good luck.

A few days ago
You still have plenty of time to decide. Most colleges don’t require that you have a major picked out until about the beginning of Junior year. Just do the basics for now. Take classes that you enjoy.

A few days ago
Fall Beauty
Most colleges dont require you to declare a major right away. Go in undeclared, take a couple of gen ed courses, and decide later on. You may find something totally different you enjoy, or may find one course in the gen eds that seal your decision, may be the material, may be the professor, may be the way its taught.

A few days ago
It souds to me that you really like pre-med, go for that and you can always minor in business. So that way when you go to Med School you can get a really good job with your Business Minor

A few days ago
i think u should finish up a bachlor degree in business. while working on business classes u should also finish up pre-req for med school. u can then apply to med school with business degree. this will help u alot for med school. they like to take students from other field than bio degree.

A few days ago
U have time to decide what you want to major in. You really don’t have to declare one until your Junior year of college because that is when you will be working in your field. If you can’t decide maybe you should talk to your advisor about what is good for you to do.

A few days ago
go with what you love and u know why i say that? cuz u will find that you will do very well in classes that teach a subject you are interested in. i got 102% in chemistry but i hated it lol. im 17.