A few days ago

Has anyone taken only ge classes in community college,and figured their major later on?

Have you took just ge classes first 2 yr. of community college then figure your major and transfering 2 a 4 yr. college.Is that a good idea.Because I have no idea about my major and i just graduated from a continuation high school.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You can take just GE classes at a community college; you need a minimum of 60 (24 of which are GE) credits/units for an Associate Degree. You declare a major during your Junior year of college. The advantage to declaring one earlier is you can take many of the lower division courses at a community college prior to transfering to a 4 year school, whereas if you take your GE and a bunch of elective courses to make up your 60, you may be in college beyond the ‘traditional’ 4 years b/c many of the electives you took at community college may have absoutely nothing to do with your major.

A few days ago
Yes and it is a good thing. I did this. It worked out great for me. Good luck.