A few days ago
Roshan A

Doing my MBA i have chosen marketting &Finance the problem is i am an introvert.Can i be a good manager?

I need ur advice.I am well regarded among students as a knowledgeable guy.And help my friends when ever need arises.But i am a bit inward looking guy.I cannot befriend people immediately and it takes time.i do make good friends but it takes time.And i dont know if it is a problem with my looks or so people dont thing so highly of me in our first meetings but eventually they give me respect.

It is not in my nature to jump into something with out thinking and some people say that i dont exhibit much leadership qualities.

Due to my nature i am not so much popular with my teachers also They easily get me lost among other students .Because i study in a college where they dont give the necessary training to build up the personality.

Before joining the course i worked for an auto dealership where i was an ordinary sales man who was never short of ideas.

Can i become a good manager?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Of course you can be a good manager. First of all, taking time and using caution when making friends is a GOOD thing. Extrovert or introvert, it doesn’t matter, they will just be different management styles. I’m introvert and have similar personality traits, but I use what works in my favor in the classroom and in my work. I am calm under pressure, I am assertive about any ideas I have, but try not to force the issue if others aren’t feeling it, and I let people know how much I appreciate them. You may not be the first person your profs notice, but your quiet strength will serve you well.

One of my (rather obnoxious) classmates recently told another classmate she would never get a certain job because she didn’t have “leadership qualities” (she told her she wasn’t ‘outgoing’ enough and to forget it). I’m happy to say she got the job and is doing fantastic.

You can be a great manager!


5 years ago
Depends what you favor. If you favor money owed and dealing with numbers, then surely finance. If you hate numbers, even supposing finance can pay bigger then restrict it. You shall be unsatisfied. Part of process luck is process satsifaction. Marketing is an excessively fundamental area, and more and more in order its vigor is being identified and used. So relying on what your long term plans that’s additionally an fine area to enter.

A few days ago
Well, you need to ask yourself if you have the strong will to become one! Believe in yourself and you will accomplish anything.