A few days ago

Do you *have* to take a gym class in college?

This might be a weird question.

Generally speaking, do students need to take gym in college?

Is it different from the gym class in high school, middle school etc.?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Depends on the college. My college had no specific gym requirement. It was assumed that students would take responsibility for their own physical well-being. As a student, you had access to the health-clubs on campus, as well as the ability to join the many sports clubs. There were also classes for specific sports, but these didn’t fulfill any requirement, other than contributing 1 or 2 credits towards your total needed for graduation.

At my brother’s college, however, he had to take 2 “sports” classes…so he took billiards. I’m not sure what the class was like, but he said there was a written final.


4 years ago
College Gym Class

5 years ago
I was not required to take gym past 6th grade (marching band satisfied the requirement in high school and it wasn’t required in 7-9th grades). In my current college, one credit hour of PE IS required to graduate. I won’t be getting a degree from this school partly because of that. I do not have time to travel to a different campus to waste time with some stupid sport, nor am I willing to pay for that extra “class”. I have a pool in my backyard. I can exercise there. I’m not a traditional student, though, I’m 29. If I were a typical 18 year old student with no job or other obligations but school, fine.

A few days ago
Some colleges require you to take a gym class. Some college like mine, will allow you not taking a gym class and replacing it with another class. You would need to talk with your adviser to see if you can get permission on not taking gym if you don’t want to do that. My degree for Business, I don’t need to take gym unless I want to as a General Elective. I guess it depends on your major.

A few days ago
Brandon W
Most schools do require that you take at least 2 credits of PE classes in college in order to graduate.

However, the good news is that there are MANY different courses you can take…and they’re not like high school. You can take a course in tennis, volleyball, golf, football, or even archery…and that’s all you do in the course.


A few days ago
Hey it’s Ken!
yeah, it depends on the school, but you usually have to take a minimal amount of PE classes. The good thing is that there are so many types of PE classes that this should not be a problem. Even if you consider yourself non-athletic, you can take something like bowling, or aerobics, or even exercise walking! See, it won’t be that bad! =]

A few days ago
It depends on the school. However, not many require PE credits anymore. If they do, you probably have the option of taking fun classes. For example, at my school they offer raquetball, swimming, ballet, yoga, pilates, weight training, the history of basketball, etc. These classes were nothing like highschool gym class.

A few days ago
u only need 3 units (one class) of a PE class

and it can be any of them

so no its not like in HS cuz u can choose what u wanna take

EX i took swimming


4 years ago
That is a good question and I hope you’ll get valuable answers