A few days ago

chance at uci, ucsd, ucla , ucb?

indian male in california

#3 ranked high school in the state(Troy High)

UC gpa 3.96

UW gpa: 3.50

W gpa: 4.23

Sat I: 750M 720CR 700W

Sat II: 780 IIC 790 Biology 800 US History

AP: European History 5 Computer Science A 5 Psychology 4 US History 5 Environmental 5 Computer Science AB 5 English Language 4(taking 6 more this year)

Grades: Sophmore Year: European History AP A/A

Spanish 2 Honors B/C

Computer Science A/B

English 2 Honors A/B

Algebra 2 (honors 1st sem, regular 2 sem) C/A

Chemistry B/B

Junior Year: U.S. History AP A/A

Spanish 3 B/B

Computer Science AB A/A

English Language AP B/B

Precalc/Trig A/A

Environmental Science AP A/A

Psychology AP A/A

Senior Year US Government AP(1st Sem)/Economics AP(2st Sem)

English Literature AP

Calculus AB AP

Biology AP

Statistic AP


EC(dont so great : ( )

1 Summer Intership at Boeing

100+ Volunteer Hrs at Hospital

1 Summer Job at In N Out

Key Club(no leadership)

Interact Club(no leadership)

Red Cross Club(no leadership)

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Lanny M

Favorite Answer

by the looks of your info, i think you’ll make it in the UCs…no sweat. they’re all about numbers and you’ve got them for sure. and your school’s Troy, so that kinda helps as well. but the thing you got to know about UCs is that their basis on who they accept varies every year. some years, they stress extracurriculars more than GPA and SAT scores. some years, it’s vice versa. my advice (and it’s kinda asking a lot) is that you balance your schedule. your EC are fine, but they’re mediocre. my advice:

– don’t do everything…pick one thing and dedicate your time and energy into it. colleges want to see that you have some passion/interest in ONE thing. oh, and it also makes for a good essay topic.

– as for school, do this: figure out which classes you can slack through but still can get a good grade in it. then put more effort in the harder classes. that way, your grades will be close to perfect.

– write great fantastic essays. distinguished ones that aren’t boring. more importantly, DON’T BE TYPICAL.

but the whole thing comes to what the college is looking for THAT SPECIFIC year and chance…honestly, it’s chance. but by the looks of it, you’ve got a great advantage when it comes to the UCs. oh, one more thing: with your academic achievements so far, try for the private universities…you never know what could happen.


A few days ago
You’re fine for all the UCs. Your GPA and SAT scores are so good, you should be fine for all the UCs. You have some extra currics so I’m not even worried about your UC GPA not cracking 4.0 even with all the APs you took. Getting into the UCs is primarily about the numbers. You have them so there’s really not much else you need to consider.

I’m just curious as to what a UW GPA is and what’s a W GPA. Is that weighted and unweighted? Cuz if you’ve calculated your UC GPA to be 3.96, than your other GPAs don’t really matter too much since we’re talking about UC schools.

Also, just curious as to how you determined Troy was the #3 high school in CA? Normally, you use the API scores. 2006 are the latest numbers. I just checked SF, LA, and Orange counties and found 4 other schools ranked higher than Troy. Not that being #5 is anything to sniff at.


A few days ago
You’ll get into UCI and UCSD, but chances are that you probably won’t at UCLA or UCB because your extracurricular activities are weak, and there are many students applying to UCLA and UCB with high sat scores and higher gpas.

check out http://talk.collegeconfidential.com under the “What Are My Chances” topics, Many students who apply to UC’s and top schools use this forum, you’ll also see your competition


A few days ago
I guess you have a chance.

Write a good essay. Nothing too plain like, “I studied hard for my classes…”

Dazzle the reader. :] Make it interesting.