A few days ago
yomo g

Cant get into college?

Im 22 and cant get into college.I dont want to waste 1.5 or 2 years in community college.What do i do?kill myself?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

there is nothing wrong with going to a community college first then transferring. in fact, it’s even better. sure, you’re missing out on the typical “college experience” of meeting new people but that can wait. you save a lot of money by going to community college to get some GEs out of the way; some of those GEs at actually universities and colleges are ridiculous.

so please, don’t kill yourself and just look at the bright side. if you’re determined you can easiliy do it in 1-1.5 years. you know, you might end up at a really great school that you thought you had no chance of getting into when you were just out of high school. it’s not too late!

EDIT: okay, so i saw your additional details, and i’m going to try to remember what you asked. the SATs and ACTS are standardized tests most colleges in the U.S. require in addition to seeing your high school grades, extracurricular activities, etc, etc. just go to their respective websites. basically, they’re additional components to your college application.

GE’s = general education classes. these are those “mandatory” kinds of classes that freshman usually have to get through to then be able to work on classes for their major. CC’s usually do the job in getting rid of these because taking a huge english 101 lecture class at an actual university could cost a bundle compared to taking a substitute or similar qualifying class at a CC–again, this is my point, it saves you a lot of money.

you’re asking if you can get these classes out of the way then bounce right into college. eh, not necessarily true. you do want to get these out of the way but not in its entirety. the main questions you have to ask yourself and the main concerns are figuring out what you want to major in.

example…let’s say you want to major in business and want to get into the Haas business school at UC Berkeley. you would have to complete some prerequisite classes for that business major that are equivalent to taking classes had you already gotten yourself into UC Berkeley as a freshman. do you see my point?

as for timing and getting into college asap, it depends how determined and willing you are to fill up your 1.5-2 year CC and then applying. most every college has something for “transfer” students. go to the college website you’re interested in and you can pretty much figure out exactly what you need to do in order to get into whatever major you wish.

finally, i don’t realy think you can skip the CC part and move onto a major university to then earn a bachelor’s degree. if you want to skip CC, you can probably just end up getting an associate degree at least. so i’m not sure what kind of college it is you want to head to but transfer students 99% of time come from a CC.

i hope that helped.


A few days ago
No you don’t kill yourself silly, if your high school marks weren’t good enough then you have no choice but Community College if you intend on going to a University.

A few days ago
yes, like in Timbaland’s song: ” Kill yourself”