A few days ago
April H

Can I get ..?

Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to get accepted into Vanderbilt University (in Nashville, TN) with a GED. I did not graduate high school and I have always wanted to go to Vanderbilt since I was 13 years old. I am now 25 and going to be trying to get my GED. I would like to go to Vandy but not sure if its worth the effort if its not possible. Am I only able to get into low end and volunteer colleges with a GED?

Any help on this issue is appreciated, Thanks in advance.


Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you still have a good chance, have you taken your SAT take your SATS and shoot for at least a 1600 in the new SATS out of 2400 and write a killer essay. If you dont get in forst thing you can go to a state university for a year do great and transfer to Vanderbilt the next year. Dont worry follow your dreams nothing worth having is easy! GOOD LUCK!

A few days ago
Ask them if they have ever accepted an applicant with a GED. And Vanderbilt prefers the ACT as opposed to the SAT. So schedule your ACT soon.

A few days ago
prior schooling source is not the point.. the ed. you received is, you just need to be prepared for the entrance exam