A few days ago
Andrew V

After completing your internship, is it possible to get another job title unrelated to your College Major?

Let me explain: Lets say you’re majoring in Marketing, and you got a Marketing internship for ABC Co., and finished it. But, let’s say you want to change your college major from Marketing to Finance and you graduate with a Finance Degree. Is it possible to land a Finance job title with ABC Co. when you completed a Marketing internship there?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
ang11222 .

Favorite Answer

Sure. If you are qualified in both areas I don’t see why not. Several degrees can land you into different categories of jobs that are not directly related to that degree. For instance, a Psych major would qualify for some top supervisory jobs at certain companies that don’t really pertain to Psychology. I know someone that is majoring in Psych and there are a ton of jobs he qualifies for that don’t pertain directly to Psychology. With your background in both in Marketing AND Finance your options will be open to even more possibilties.

A few days ago
Quite possibly, because even though you’ll be in a different department you’ll still be somewhat familiar with the operations of that company, in contrast to someone who had never worked there before. In a lot of cases, businesses don’t care so much about what your degree is in as much as they care that you have one.