A few days ago

what came first the chicken or the egg?

what came first the chicken or the egg?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Jail Tail

Favorite Answer

I think the chicken came before the egg.

Shortly after came Kentucky Fried Chicken and Denny’s.



A few days ago
The egg – no the chicken. Hold on changed my mind again definitely the egg. No? The chicken? Must be the egg. Actually should be the chicken. No? Oh I give up.

A few days ago
This is a constant question on YA; I’ll answer the same as usual: the chicken came first, from across the road, and she then laid an egg in a nesting box. I gathered the egg and had it for breakfast this a.am. I may gather the chicken next for chicken and dumplings, or leave her alone since I like eggs.

A few days ago
crazy nana
The Chicken without a doubt. God created all the animals which means he made the chicken and the rooster and THEN came the egg.

A few days ago
Experto Credo
Eggs long before chickens

A few days ago
a dinosaur from evolution became a chicken, so the egg came first. Chickens evolved from some species of dinosaur and since its a bird, it came from an egg. Simple.

A few days ago
i personally believe the egg came first by cross breeding, if two birds who have different feature or genetics in which breed together meant it would form a chicken then o wouldnt it be an egg that first started the chicken speices first? even through slow eveloution surely it must take a new generation to even form the slightest of changes.

A few days ago
The egg. Dinosaurs are known to have laid eggs long before chickens were known to have existed on the planet. Oh, did you mean chicken eggs?

A few days ago
Teri M
The chicken of course….if the egg had came first, then what would have set on it and hatched it?

A few days ago
Japeth P
you know.. ofcoarse the chiken!!no one would aargue with me in this… ill explaine.. the chickeb because …if the egg would have come first… then who would sit on it? and hatch it? if that is the case ..( egg is first)..probably no chicken would have existed today!! isnt it?