A few days ago
Bob B.

Origin of phrase: Sweating like a pig?

Pigs do not sweat. That is a fact.

When people sweat heavily, the are often heard saying: “I’m sweating like a pig.”

Does anyone know where the origin of that phrase in that context came from?

Top 10 Answers
4 years ago
Sweating Like A

6 years ago
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Origin of phrase: Sweating like a pig?
Pigs do not sweat. That is a fact.

When people sweat heavily, the are often heard saying: "I'm sweating like a pig."

Does anyone know where the origin of that phrase in that context came from?


A few days ago
Pigs, apparently, are pretty poor sweaters and in some breeds they hardly sweat at all. There’s more, I also discovered that whilst hens don’t sweat cows sweat better than pigs. However, the undoubted king of the sweaters it the Horse: were you foolish enough to ride one of these bare backed without serious leg protection the sweat would bring you out in a nasty rash where we humans don’t like having rashes.”

A few days ago
don’t stop the music ♪
I think the origin of this phrase remains unanswered.

However, maybe it came from the fact that pigs ‘sweat’ when they are roasted over a fire. It’s not really sweat of course; I think it’s just the fat dripping off.


5 years ago
Ore is melted at extreme temp. It can’t be moved while that hot or it would burn whatever it touched. They leave it sit in the molds and cool. When it reaches dew point beads form on the pig iron, as it is called (because it looks like a sow and her piglets when it cools), and then they know it has cooled enough to be moved. So it should be “sweating like pig iron”.

6 years ago
I suffered from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Tried everything my doctor told me. My hyperhidrosis was so bad at times that I wouldn’t go near crowded places, let alone sit in restaurants or go to the cinema or theater.
Until I found the information on this site: http://stop-sweating-now.keysolve.net

It helped me in ways that I still cannot comprehend; this is truly remarkable. It’s been 7 days since I completed the basic Sweat Miracle program and my hyperhidrosis is gone without a trace.


A few days ago
Well, pigs roll in mud for sunscreen, maybe someone thought they sweat because they’re always in the mud and they looked a bit shiny..? Also when a pig is roasted it looks shiny, maybe someone thought it was sweat. Nowadays I rarely hear it.

A few days ago
Cassandra G
I have no concrete evidence, but I believe it’s because people confuse 2 popular sayings — “bleeding like a stuck pig” and “sweating like a horse”.

5 years ago
This is the same technique I have taught over 138,000 men and women in 157 countries to successfully treat their excessive sweating condition over the past 7 years!

Remember: Watch the whole video, as the ending will pleasantly surprise you…


A few days ago
It simply may be that people associate heavy sweating with being filthy, needing a bath. And one usually associates pigs, in their mud wallows, with filth.