A few days ago

KIDS ONLY Under 18 yrs old. Do you really think that President Bush knew there wasn’t WMD in Iraq?

WMD = Weapons of Mass Destruction

Many of us lived through that time and we remember from heart what happen but now that I see so many trying to rewrite history into something it wasn’t, I’m wondering how many of those growing up under this cloud of confusion thinks the president knew Iraq didn’t have WMD.

Please indicate what grade you are in and where you think most of your information comes on this issue.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think that Bush was entirely unsure whether or not Saddam had WMDs or not. Just as the whole world was. Because Saddam had a history of using Chemical agents against Iran and the Kurds. And Saddam was being very suspicious in the way he was treating the UN investigators. Moving things, not letting them in certain places. There was definitely cause for concern. Maybe not an invasion, but we’ll never know if there was some other way it could have been done. And by the way, there were old and deteriorating stockpiles of chemical agents found.

A few days ago
High school senior

Of course he knew there weren’t WMD, the entire war is about oil. Iraq threatens to stop selling us oil, or threatens to increase prices, and we invade. But obviously, Bush is not going to tell us that American soldiers are dying so that your cars can run in the morning; he says soldiers are dying because there are weapons that can hurt our wonderful country. Of course, us citizens, willing to believe anything that the president says, go along with it until, some six years later we figure out there were no WMD’s at all.

So yea, he knew there weren’t any WMD, but he needed a coverup.

My information comes from too many sources to list, I would say mostly from my government class-which should be considered an unbiased source.


A few days ago
I’m 13 and I’m in Grade 8. I personally think George Bush is a pile of ******* ****. It might just be a biased opinion because my older brother is in the army and I really want him to come back alive. However, I do think that he thought there was WMD in Iraq, however him being the dumb-**** he is didn’t investigate it further before becoming the murderer of a ton of U.S. Army members.

A few days ago
I’m a high school senior. I find that a lot of people that dislike Bush are just doing it because it’s the cool thing to do. I dislike people that get caught up in groupthink. They simply become a record player spitting out the same one sentence lines that other people utter. For example: No blood for oil, Bush sucks, Bush is a warmonger, etc.

A few days ago
How could he know that? The sheites told the the CIA that Saddam had WMD to get us to get rid of Saddam and the bath party for them. It’s their country, how were we to know they were lying to us?