A few days ago
Rip Van W

Just asking out of curiosity!!?

Do animals exhibit signs of lesbianism and gay?

No offense against lesbians and gays.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

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A few days ago
The Corinthian
Not only gay, but gay necrophilia

A Dutch researcher has been honoured for his illuminating research into necrophiliac gay ducks – a hitherto unprobed side of animal behaviour which rather eclipses recent work on homosexual sheep and stroppy cows.

According to the Guardian, Kees Moeliker’s paper “The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard anas platyrhynchos” gives humanity the first insight into the dark, dark world of ducks. He was apparently sitting in his office in the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam when a rather daffy duck impacted with his window. Moeliker takes up the story: (see link)


A few days ago
Experto Credo
Yes, they do. It is proven that 12% of the gull population off the coast of california are in a sapphic relationship, for example

A few days ago
Probably, my male dog had a h a r d on for this brown bear that I used to have. For a human that would be beast e ality, what would it be called for my retarded dog fuzzy nuts? If they are willing to do an inanimate object they would probably try to get it on with one of their own opposite sex.