A few days ago

Any ideas for a school project my child has to do?

Combine animal names and monsters to create your own weird creature. Illustrate the monster & then build a monster out of craft materials. Example is “Bunny” and “Dracula” combined makes Bunnicula. Please help!!!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Precious Gem

Favorite Answer

Have your child pick an animal and his favorite cartoon monster. The materials could be Fun Foam

which can be found at a craft store. Or you can

use an old sock, some yarn, some wiggle eyes(either

glue on or peel and stick) and make his monster.

Use felt for the ears which can be found in a craft

store or a craft department of a Super store like Wal-Mart.


A few days ago
Girankenstien- giraffe + frankenstien

Hampire- hampster + vampire

Mr. Hydena- Mr. Hyde + hyena

wartolfman- wart hog +wolf man

Foam craft sheets, feathers, construction paper, toilet paper and paper towel tubes, construction paper, ect… all work well in crafts like these.


A few days ago
Charlie W
How about a Franken-Bear! A mix between Frankenstein and a bear. (You can pretty much add Any animal name you want in there. Franken-Cat, Franken-Moose, Franken-Butterfly).