A few days ago

why some teachers seems to be a terror?

sometimes , teachers are always angry to her students. I think their age is one of the factor that affects their behavior. But sometimes , a teacher is angry to her student because of the behavior of her student.

all i can say is that it depends on how will each other show their behavior.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
jim bo

Favorite Answer

. That’s just part of their Personality, and maybe how they were raised at home. It’s how they learned to deal with stressful situations. But it’s very wearing and sad.

Fear usually gets a kid’s respect but it’s a sign of being angry, which means you’re lossing control. Some kids can see that and will push you even further.

Learning to control 20-30 children IS definitely a learning experience. You HAVE to be tough, but also be Fair. Do NOT be ‘nice’, because they’ll take advantage of you in a NY minute. You are NOT the student’s friend.

Find a balance that works for YOU.


A few days ago
The teacher is not a robot who switches off at the end of the day they have lives as well. Imagine my shock when I went into a pub and found one of my highschool teachers in their too. So the teacher may not be angry at the class but other things may be on their mind that makes it seem so.