A few days ago

Students and Word Problems?

As a math tutor, I feel that students fear word problems because techniques for solving them are not taught well in school. The ability of creating an equation from given information in word problems separates mathematicians from people who simply love math and/or from students.

Your view?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
emily day

Favorite Answer

Word problems in math can be very teachable. Try a scaffolding strategy — you really have to begin with basics so choose problems that specifically show the student what you are looking for. You should also teach this skill using manipulatives.

If Joe travels ten miles to work everyday, and he drives a blue car, how many total miles does he drive each day?

So first you take on color highlighter and say “What is the question asking us?” “Are we using addition or subtraction to solve our problem?” “What information in the question don’t we need to answer the question?” (highlight in a different color ),

“So how do we write this problem?” 10 + 10 = 20, so Joe drives 20 miles round trip to work each day.

So start off with easy stuff then start getting more complicated. Be sure to teach vocabulary such as more than, less than, if, then … etc. Do the problems on an overhead projector so it is big and colorful. You almost have to think of teaching as though you are a TV show to keep their interest. When they get better at it, put them up in front and let them dissect a problem for the class either as a group or individually.


A few days ago
Mickey M
People need to be taught how to deconstruct a word problem and only take the information that is needed. Only then can they form the equation that is needed. I don’t think this can point to someone being a mathmatician or not. Word problems also involve reading comprehension and logic skills, and not all are found in methmaticians.

A few days ago
Well technicallly it is supposed to be taught in school and it probably is briefly but I agree most students don’t learn it. As a teacher, I plan to make this a top priority. Its very important in physics as well. You have to teach them to look for the words “per”, “in a”, “every” “each” stuff like that…. As a tutor, I hope you can help them as well. But I know how it is when they refuse to even look at the problem because it is a word problem!

A few days ago
aman d
i ,as a student,don’t think so bcoz creating an equation is very simple when the required information is given.some students come across this problem to whom this type of questions are new thing but when they have gone across these types of questions ,they come across less problems.