A few days ago

What is an education or technology consultant?

And how can i become one? I’ll have my t4eaching degree in december and want to do something with trechnology, computers, and teachers. Basically, i want to train teachers and help them get computer systems up and running intheir classroom.

I know that many existing teachers don’t understand or don’t have the time to learn, and I want to be the one to teach them (make sense?)

So how do i become a consultant? Are there provate firms?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Barbara H

Favorite Answer

In the district I work in we have our cyber squad, these are teachers that have expressed an interest in technology and are willing to help other teachers. These teachers are volunteers but they do get an additional stipend and are expected to work more then regular hours. Besides providing some instruction they do the first level of hands on support and install new district approved software on classroom computers. If there is a separate paid position for this type of activity it would probably only be in the private sector. Hope this answers your question and congrats on completing the degree.

A few days ago
I am a administrator and most companies train those who will train teachers. If you want to train teachers I would suggest moving to a district that has a very active and progressive staff development department. I have seen them in action and they are great. Your thought and motive is great. Your would become a teacher on assignment and make a little more than the average teacher and would be assisting other teachers, like yourself in accessing the curriculum through technology or whatever. The Palmdale School District in California has the best one I have ever seen. You might want to contact them at some point and look at their model and see where you might be able to go to make your dream happen