A few days ago

what are the common mistakes of a teacher?

the things they must avoid..

thanks for your responses..

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Always be a professional. Dress in business casual attire. No open toe shoes. No spike heals. No short skirts. Speak without a dialect or you will be ridiculed in front or behind your back. Do not become friends with other teachers until you have worked with them long enough to see how they react in the majority of common situations. Do not trust the more experienced teachers to readily be available to help you out because they went through the same “sink or swim” program you are about to enter. Instead, figure it out for yourself. Network with teachers outside your school. Join a group, start a group. Become a part of the community that your specific school is in. If there is a church, temple or community center, start with the Pastor, Rabbi and/or Leader and ask him what the community needs. Once you gain familiarity with the community, the parents will come to accept you as a new teacher. You will prove to the faculty/staff that you want to be one of them. Then you must delve into the practice of planning. That is a whole other bowl of wax.

A few days ago
If a child seems to daydream a lot, there may be an issue at home or possibly a learning disability. Check it out, get school counselors involved if need be. I had a learning disability and teachers were mean to me or ignored me. I didn’t find out there was a reason for me not understanding until I took a college course…and that professor figured it out in two days I had a learning disability. Absolutely pathetic that I graduated from high school and nobody knew or cared. so the biggest mistake I can think of is don’t assume anything, and pay attention to what isn’t happening with your kids, not just what is.

A few days ago
1. Getting too close to your students..they don’t need more friends. But it is good to talk to your students and get to know them. Ask how their weekend was, etc. Be sure to ask everyone by switching to different people each day.

2. Losing your patience too quickly….so many frustrating situations…you really need to keep your cool.

3. Students are there to learn…don’t get lazy and caught up with the games for days before holidays, Fridays, etc. Once in a while is okay to deviate from learning, but some teachers create a party atmosphere in their rooms.

4. Be sure to give respect if you want it in return. All students deserve it and sometimes we lose sight of that.

5. Stay on top of all the paperwork…don’t let it pile up. Try to work on a little each day. And on the opposite extreme, don’t let the job consume you. Force yourself to take Sundays off and get away from planning and paperwork. You will be a better teacher.


A few days ago
At all costs, avoid getting angry or taking a students rude comments personally. Never be sarcastic or say mean things to a student even if you think you are making a point. Once you do that, you have lost that students trust and you won’t get it back.

A few days ago
Letting your emotions get the best of you can end in a terrible situation, always stay cool and calm no matter what the student says, be strict but fair. Always ask more experienced teachers what to do in certain situations.

I remember one teacher telling my class that we were ‘killing her baby’ because of stress, bad idea…

Physical contact isn’t a good idea either.

Usually ends bad.

But the best advice anyone can give you is experienced teachers 🙂


4 years ago
I easily have a pair: a million. no longer being arranged nicely sufficient. no longer something is extra durable than strolling right into a lecture room without stable plans. instructors are consistently on. there is no time to seem for issues or decide the place interior the e book that concept is taught. 2. questioning instructor’s college will prepare you for lecture room administration. One classification would not do it. You learn that on the job from different instructors and their recommendations. talk over with veteran instructors.

A few days ago
Charles S
The MOST common mistake that teachers tend to do is to put their own feelings of self satisfaction FIRST, without realizing that what they should be doing is instead REALLY tuning into EACH student FIRST.

A few days ago
try not to listen to what other teachers say about your new students, as far as negative things. get to know the kids on your own before looking into their past history. I had an awesome student once that had many problems before he came to me. I didn’t know until I saw his file from the other schools he had attended. Had I know about his history first I probably would’ve formed an opinion on him based on that. each kid deserves a fresh start every year.

A few days ago
Avoid putting a child in a “box”. There are different learning styles and each child is unique. I had one student that had to repeat my directions back to me verbally for his brain to process the assignment. He wasn’t just “not listening”– that was how his brain worked. He made straight A’s. Look beyond any assumptions you have made and never quit looking. And never quit dreaming for a child. Your dream is contagious to the child and to the parents!

A few days ago
Writing words incorrectly on the black board. Pronouncing a word incorrectly. They must avoid dressing provacatively and scantily.