A few days ago
Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess

WHat am I doign wrong?

this is my first year teeching and i am a 6th grad histry teecher and i am trying to teech the class abt the constitushon and they just arnt getting it! i am trying to follow the curiculum but nothing seems to be working. HELP!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Beat them over the head with their books. Maybe they learn through osmosis.

A few days ago
Internet 101 for those who may be fairly new to the world of social forums. Trolls are people who will create a post primarily for the purpose of riling up the community. For those that recognize them, we get a laugh. For those who don’t, it can make you waste time trying to help someone who never wanted the help to begin with or worse gets you upset by what they say. Frustratingly they can pose as an advocate or representative of a group (teacher in this case) and make that group look bad by ridiculous statements or errors. Most do such things just for the fun of it. Others so it to intentionally destroy a group’s reputation or the community.

When in doubt, click on their avatar and browse through their questions and answers to see if they have a history of such things or if you can confirm they are likely to be who they say they are. Use this poster (imposter) as a chance to build up that skill. Though after she/he reads this she may change her profile to private so you cannot see. When a post is too ridiculous to be true, it probably is.

By the way … ((((((( hugs )))))) – Read the “.. even trolls need hugs …” question posted by this person within the last few days and give ’em a hug. πŸ™‚


A few days ago
My social studies always made s.s fun (which in my poinion was the most dullest subject until i had her) by doing a few things. She seemed to like to make us work in groups and LET us pick our group, because what fun is it when your miserable in the group in? We did loads of skits and many people liked that. She was really laid back which made a better envionment for us to learn history and stuff. Basically we cant just learn out of a textbook, we need some hands on projects. πŸ™‚

A few days ago
As a student, I know from personal experience that just reading from the textbook can be very boring. Try to make things fun. Get students to make a project, do a skit on the constitution, etc. Try to make some jokes about it!. If you don’t usually do this, ease it in, your students may get suspicious that you are changing your attitude so quickly.

A few days ago
Um, ….. DUH!

Do you even KNOW what the constitushon IS???!??

And by the way I think it is spelled Kurrickulumm. Try teeching more bedder.



A few days ago
“Mybe u shuld tri 2 mek yer teeching funnerer, liek use diagrayms, or mayk up a gayme that can help them lurn.”

Or try using a spell checker. That worked for my English teacher.


A few days ago
You can start with your sentance structure and spelling.

Go back to school, learn how to spell, and learn proper grammar.

How are you supposed to teach the constitution to a bunch of 6th graders if YOU can’t even spell it correctly?

What idiot hired you anyway?


A few days ago
going postal
i homeschol muy keds and the best way too make histry fun is too make stuf up nobody kares what realy hapened anyway it was all in the passed the constitushon it so old nobody reeds it anymore all thay nead to no is that george w bush is the bestest prezedent ever

A few days ago
If I were you I would really start with spelling and if you want to teach your class better you should try teaching the curriculum in a fun way

A few days ago
Maybee dey has makedd a Hukded On Fonix tipe of thingey fore to fiks yorr problumb?