A few days ago

Waco ISD, in Texas and surrounding area?

At the end of this year, I will be graduating with a Special Education teaching license. I have family in Corsicana, TX, and would like to teach within an hour of that area. Waco seems to have to most to offer for my son, who then will be in first grade. I am also interested in learning about the cost of living in the area, because I am a single mom, so unless I find a way to supplement my income, he and I will only have my teaching salary.

I am asking if anyone is familiar with the schools and quality of life in the area. I am in south Texas, so I won’t be able to make many trips to investigate myself. Please let me know how you feel about that area, as parents, teachers, and single women. Thank you

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

An hour from Corsicana gives you a lot of options. I don’t know much about Waco, but I know that Dallas ISD is hiring and pays quite well for starting teachers and you don’t have to live in Dallas there are lots smaller, nicer communities between Dallas and Corsicana. I live just south of Burleson, out in the country. I enjoy being close to the city if I need to be, but living in the country. I know that property is cheaper on the south end of town. You can get on-line and check out each of the school districts in the area. Each has it’s good points and it’s bad points. It all depends on what you are looking for and what is important to you.

5 years ago
Your question actually contains a false assumption. Timothy McVeigh and David Koresh were hardly Christians. David Koresh actually told people he was G-d. What Christian believes that? Timothy McVeigh was a member of the Christian Identity Movement which is actually just a white supremacist movement cloaked in Christian garb. On another note, a small chapel does exist on the Waco site. If Muslims can have a ground zero mosque then the Branch Davidians can have Waco. Also, it is in dispute who was in the wrong at Waco. I think the government overstepped its bounds on several occasions there.

A few days ago
elaine h
I have taught in Killeen and the Ft. Hood area and I know they are always needing new teachers. The cost of living is lower than Dallas and it is about an hour from Waco. I found the people warm and helpful and teachers very giving.

A few days ago
you talk alot.