A few days ago

should school fix targets for academic excellence?

i want the views against it

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you can’t just measure what people learn through testing. some people are just horrible test takers. if you passed the class with a B or a C and you tried really hard in order to get that grade and then you have to take a test and they say you failed the test sorry but you don’t graduate. that means all that work you did meant nothing. your grades meant absoulutly nothing. on the other side of the coin some people are excellent test takers and just lazy. they know that even if they have an E in the class and take the test they graduate. so why work at all for it if you know that your going to graduate by acing a test. and what this actually does is lower work ethics for both since the people that are not good test takers will say i’ll fail anyway why bother trying and people who are good test takers would say i’ll pass no need to do anything for the year. and the worst part about it is that it actually ends up lowering the standards. its like the states say if you can bring your students scores up by x percent then you get this much. if you can’t then you lose funding and if this happens for x number of years. you get closed down. so they just end up making the test very easy. so they pass. so what does it end up measuring?

A few days ago
Larry G
Florida tried that with the FCAT and we got worse. Thanks a lot Jeb.