A few days ago

Question for teachers only? Doubts about teaching?

I am in college, and I am currently in the process of applying to our education program but I am starting to get nervous about the whole thing. I am starting to have doubts as to whether I can do a good job as a teacher or not. I always thought I wanted to be a teacher, but I am scared that once I get into a school I will be terrible at it. Is this just a normal reaction that everyone has or do my doubts mean that maybe this isn’t the career for me?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Amy F

Favorite Answer

Honestly, I felt the same way. This is my 3rd year and I still have doubts, but it is the most fun and rewarding job I have ever had. My doubts are not am I a good teacher, but is the time commitment what I want. Once you are in the classroom, you are a completely different person. I am much more confident in front of a room of 30 kids than I am normally. Make sure you sharpen your classroom management skills as you go through college. I have seen many teachers fail because of this. You can’t be successful without them. Good luck. I hope this helps.

A few days ago
I think every teacher has doubts at one time or another. Have you done any volunteer work in the schools to see if you would like it? Sometimes just observing a teacher and students in action can help a person decide if it’s what they want to do-even better is when you can actually teach a lesson. I don’t know how the education program at your school works, but at my university, our students take their Intro to Teaching course BEFORE they have to apply to the education program so they can get a small taste of what it’s like. During that course, they observe in a classroom for 30 hours.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Yes, it’s normal to have these fears. You aren’t the only one. A teacher once told me that if, once you are in the teaching program, you don’t like the courses that you are taking, then maybe you should question your course of careers. You will know more once you start actually experiencing courses directed toward education. Give it a chance. You may not like it, then change majors, but maybe you will love it and discover that you are glad that you didn’t let your fears get the best of you.

A few days ago
If you can push through the credential program (which is hard work) and the first year (which is the real training) then it is great! Self-doubt is a normal reaction to have. Even the most seasoned teachers have spells where they think they are doing everything wrong.

A few days ago
Heck, the fact that you’re feeling this way means you’re much more likely to be a good teacher. Good teachers are reflective and know their limitations; bad teachers are overconfident and assume they always do a great job. By questioning your ability to be a good teacher, you prove that you’re worried about student achievement and not pay or Summer’s off.

Keep it up! Apply to that program, study hard like you would want your students to do and you’ll do great!


A few days ago
Yam King 7
It sounds like you still want to be a teacher and have no burning desire to be anything else. You have a little self-doubt, but I can tell you that with some experience, you can get very good at teaching and feel confident.

A few days ago
byron s
Forget about a career.

Forget about making mistakes.

Forget about being good or not being good.

Ask yourself meaninful questions that will make sense to you .

Do not not quess the future which no one can answer anyway.

Do not make emotional evaluations with no facts to support it.

Now think of the meaningfful and relative questions.

Before you ask the question of why you should continue, ask yourself the following very practical questions:

Why are you going into teaching?

What motivated you to get into teaching?

What subject are you capable of teaching or wanting to teach?

Do you know what teaching means?

Do you know what a teacher is?

Are you aware of what it requires?

Are you aware of the institutions and systems of teaching?

Are you aware of the people within the institutions? What their roles are and what they actually perform?

Can you see where I am going with this now?

Ask more of those questions and then find your own answers to each.

Then ask yourself again these fundamental questions.

Really…. What is your ROLE?

in relation to the students

in relation to the school / institution

in relation to the parents

in relation to society

in relation to the world

Really…. What is your POSITION?

in relation to the students

in relation to the school / institution

in relation to the parents

in relation to society

in relation to the world

Then put them into “perspective” that you can understand, feel and appreciate.

If you asked the kind of questions that makes sense to you and got the answers, I am sure you can decide for yourself.


A few days ago
Remember your school days and your expections from your teachers.

Remove all doubts from your mind about your failure.Develop self confidence that you will succeed as a good teacher and you must be successful.


A few days ago
Very normal.

And this shows that you really want to be good at teaching.

You’re already worried about your performance!

Don’t worry, whatever you may lack in experience at the beginning…there’s always enthusiasm!

Then, as you go along, you’ll feel more confident.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Don’t be nervous we must have all felt that way.You will be able to handle it once you are in there.Teaching is a very interesting and satisfying jobs.if you are interested go for it .I know you will never regret it.