A few days ago

How to stay awake in the class while the teacher explains boring things?

Currently, i am at high school, and i find some of the lessons are boring especially the social studies like economics and sociology and also history, what should i do to stay awake and focus on the lessons?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Zenews Labrint

Favorite Answer

try to listen a bit what the teacher says in the intro. then ask a question.

trust me if u try to get involved u may not even find it boring πŸ™‚

but yeah if the teacher is reaaaaaaalllly boring! then i guess u gotta find another way


A few days ago
Boring, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. You find things boring because you are shutting down and not taking interest in the subject. It is a mindset really. You have to work at taking interest. Expand your mind. Give the subject a chance. Proceed with the attitude that there is something to learn (and there is) and that you want to find out all you can about it. Once you’ve decided to take interest, boring will become a thing of the past. Approach each subject with, “what can I learn from this? what questions should I ask? what research can I do to learn more? how can I help the teacher with assignments or active participation?”

Remember, you get out of life what you put into it. You want to sleep through life, settle for boring. You want life to be exciting and interesting, take an active role. Either way, life will bid you farewell someday. I hope you choose exciting and interesting.


A few days ago
First of all why are people bored?It is either s/ thing is not interesting(does not make sense) or you are not interested in the thing.-so which one are you?

If turly the teacher is not making sense,think of something else that interest you,then you will stay awake.

If you are your problem,you have to find a way of being focused in class and pay attention instead of sleeping,then you will have interest.

Again try to take part/be involve in the discussion.Goodluck!

You see all this stuff you see in school will truly come up again in life when you start work,because like now,you get to a meeting somebody will leave the point of discussion and go to something really off,what do you do?nothing but listen. so train yourself now so that you will be able to cope with it later in life.


A few days ago
Teachers take for granted that they can move about the room freely…helping circulation and to stay awake – – – while students sit in a chair for 45 minutes. I teach high school and mid way through the lesson or activity, I have students do a stretch break.

Try doing stretches while sitting in your chair (be subtle!) Can you drink a bottle of water in the room? Ask to use the bathroom if you feel like your eyelids are lead weights. Take notes…it will keep your hands moving.


A few days ago
This is a tough one! I am always on the verge of dozing off, even if I am really enjoying the class! It is the warm classroom, the steadiness of the tutor voice, the pleasantness of the subject all combined and I feel so drowsy. In fact, after one particular lecture, one of the other students who had been sat at the opposite end of the room to me, asked me if I had had a nice snooze! Whoops!

So sorry – I really have no idea! Other than revolting things like pro-plus (caffeine supplement = foul temper!) I will have to check back to this space for anyone elses ideas!


A few days ago
Hey!! u can try either of these things-

1-play bingo or any other game with one or two of ur friends,who also find the classess boring.

2-sit in a corner,keep a book on ur lap,keep ur head on the table & pretend u r reading but actually u r sleeping.

3-or just bunk

Actually,none of the classes is boring,if u pay full attention to the teacher.


A few days ago
Erinn M
Try to make some sort of connection between what the teacher is saying and your own life. This will also help you retain and remember the information as well.

When I was in college and the teacher was rehashing information that had already been covered in other classes, I used to count the number of times the teacher said, “Um” “Uh”. This way I was listening to what they were saying but keeping myself entertained as well.

Good luck. I do feel your pain, which is why when I teach I try to keep it as entertaining as possible.


A few days ago
Bart S
Ask questions about the parts of the lesson that aren’t altogether clear. That should keep your teacher awake too!

A few days ago
Coffee! Worked for me… mind you, it didn’t help me to be interested in the subject anymore than I was before the caffeine hit. I was wide awake, but bored.

A few days ago
hahahaha…very good questions….all these classes can’t be that boring come on….just think about what the teacher says and focus on the lesson not on sleeping….and drink more coffee πŸ˜›