A few days ago

How to please a teacher.?

I have a teacher that I want to impress. Any tips on being a teachers pet? thanks.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Be on time. Do all the assigned work. Be polite and courteous. Help others. Answer questions in class. Be attentive.

A few days ago
I don’t think it’s good to be a teachers pet, but here are a few suggestions if you want to impress him or her:

Participate in class and give thoughtful answers

Ask if there’s anything you can help her with (passing out papers during class or making copies after school)

Write a note of thanks telling her that you appreciate her and why you like the class

What does she teach? Show your interest in the class by talking to her about things that happen outside of school that relate to what you’re learning in class…something you found on the internet or saw on tv

do all of your work and do your best

follow the rules and set a good example for other students


A few days ago
I am a teacher as well. The students who impress me the most are the students who are respectful. Also, if you want to impress your teacher be prepared for class, and be the leader. If your classmates are getting too loud just tell them to “knock it off I’m trying to learn something”. I have two students in two different periods you have impressed me by showing their leadership

A few days ago
I am a teacher in a middle school and try my best to not have “pets”. I certainly, however, have students who impress me more than others. Three things that impress me in my dealings with young people: I like it when they do their work and do the best that they can; I like it when a student does his or her best to get along with everyone in the class and treats each with respect; and I don’t like whiners, and when I say that, I mean kids who complain about being bored and who rely on meaningless responses, like “whatever” and “it sucks”. Don’t suck up; just go to school and look for ways to get it done, not ways to avoid things.

A few days ago
the buffster
Doing the assignments the very best you can? Why look for an angle? It will just come back on you and bite you in the __.

If you want attention and recognition, be the best you can be (sounds like the Army motto) for the assignments.


A few days ago
im no teachers pet

but ive observed

sat good morning to her

or stop by in the moring with a apple

and say : i got this 4 you:

hsve a nice day

dont overdue it they will know

they always know

and say things like you look nice today


A few days ago
grin and barrett
Be polite, punctual, turn your work in on time, help out fellow students , engage with them in adult conversation. I like kids who engage in discussion. Be a positive leader, these things will set you apart and naturally draw others to you.

A few days ago
Behave in class. Offer a helping hand when you get a chance.Try to do well.in tests.send her cards on special celebrations example Christmas or even her birthday.

A few days ago
Walking on Sunshine
1- do your work

2- follow class rules

3- do well on your assignments and turn them in promptly

4- ask intelligent questions and answer questions appropriately

5-smile and be polite

Good Luck!


A few days ago
answers lots of questions, raise you hand to read aloud.