A few days ago

How can I find a skilful ‘ Mentor’ who can teach me everything about a successful career in public speaking

I am an adroit communicator and have a huge passion to talk to people and whenever I have done some public speaking ( in the past) I have been applauded since I make people laugh with my humor. I have been told I have good communication skills. I wish to make public speaking my career and goal. it makes me very happy to talk to people… pls help.. Thanks in advance!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s a bit of a ‘catch-22’ situation: If the person you find is not working full-time in a public speaking role, then he or she isn’t going to be the best mentor. However, if you find someone who is working full-time in this field, then he or she may not be willing to give up the time (and fees would be high).

I think you’d stand a better chance of finding the right person by looking for someone with a good reputation in public speaking in your area.

One approach to try is to ask this person if you can be his or her apprentice (you’ll need to have the time to put in to it though). It’s quite flattering for the professional.

Good luck.


5 years ago
That has not anything to do with it. A LOT of exceptional QB’s began gambling after a rather dangerous QB did. Peyton Manning and Brett Favre had no fundamental mentor that they discovered from.

A few days ago
what some of my colleagues have don’t was join the toastmasters club (link below) to help with their confidence in public speaking.