A few days ago

help my english?

i need one word to modify ‘duchess’ such as happy duchess, joyful duchess, delighted duchess, sunny duchess, content duchess and so on. I dont know which adj is more literary and correct? Or u can let me know if any other words similar to ‘happy’ but I dont wanna use ‘happy’?

Please help my english. Thank u very much.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

don’t use happy. just pick here.

blessed, blissful, bright, elysian, paradisiacal, paradisiac, paradisaical, paradisaic, paradisal, paradisial, golden, halcyon, prosperous, joyful, joyous, laughing, riant, cheerful, contented, glad, elated, euphoric, felicitous, joyful, joyous


A few days ago
You may use blessed,cheerful,contented,euphoric,felicitous,festive,gleeful,gratified,jocose,jolly,jovial,laughing,lively,radiant,smiling…

A few days ago
The King
cheerful, joyous, gay, delightful, charismatic