A few days ago
Melanie F

For grade school teaches what to you think is a major challange in teaching young kids in todays society?

This is a question for any teacher of grades 1 thur 12. Part time or even retired teaches can reply. I am just trying to get in the head of teachers point of view and to see what they believe is most challanging thing in teaching young kids are today in society.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The two biggest challenges I think is a lack of persistence – kids give up way too easy now. There seems to be an overall lack of a work ethic. I think some of that is that we burn them out too young.

I also think that with how intense curriculum has become, children never get to learn to “love” learning. They don’t get the opppurtunity to see that learning can be exciting and a means to an end that is to their benefit.

I also think that there is no pleasing parents. Some parents don’t think their kids are being challenged enough, some don’t want to see their kids ever fail at anything, etc. etc.


A few days ago
NCLB law. This law mandates what teachers have to teach. Teachers can no longer teach what they want, how they want, when they want, etc.

They are now mandated by the federal gov’t in all this. Which is a violation of law too, since federal law states that education is suppose to be left up to the states.

So federal is violating itself in doing this.

Teachers can ONLY teach what is going to be on these state mandated tests for NCLB.

They have a specific amount of things to teach in a certain amount of time. So when it’s time to move on to the next concept and the child hasn’t learned it, oh well! They are LEFT BEHIND !!

Contradicting to the purpose in this whole thing, huh?

Teachers spoon feed kids the answers on these tests just like memorizing robots.

They can not TEACH anymore, and kids can not LEARN anymore.

All for money !! The better the kids score on these tests, the MORE MONEY the schools get. So, schools DO NOT CARE if kids LEARN anymore, all they want is the MONEY!!


A few days ago
Home life

What goes on at home has a tremendous impact on how kids behave in the classroom, out in the halls, etc. I the parents have no boundaries for the child, they know that they can get away with just about anything! I cannot even explain how many ways parental expectations and home life affect a child’s performance and learning . . .


A few days ago
Thao Kun
I’m a student but I can see one of my teachers having a hard time teaching my 8th grade language arts class because it’s so rowdy and noisy. So yes, it’s a major challenge if it’s a normal public school.

But if it was a really top-notch special school, I don’t think it would be a challenge


A few days ago
Mr. Cellophane
I’ll take on the Older gen. Your High Schoolers. Too many of them have the “i know everything” syndrome. They don’t see the USE of high school next to its required. You can’t penetrate some of their skulls to realize that we are talking about life, not the moment. They live in the moment. They think they are invincible. You have to get it through to them that unless they have that grounding, they will be hard pressed to succeed.