A few days ago

can anyone genius out there answer this?

you want to buy a shirt worth 97 bucks (just for example) , but you dont have any money. you borrowed 50 bucks from ur mom and 50 from your dad. so now you bought the shirt and you have a change of 3 bucks. you gave back $1 to your mom and $1 to your dad. So now you owe your mom and dad 49 bucks…. and you have $1 left to yourself.

here’s the iq test:

to solve this all, if you add your debts to your mom and dad, you would have 98 bucks (49+49) and when you add the $1 left to you, you would have 99 bucks……..

where did the $1 go?

isnt it, it’s supposed to be 100?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

$97.00 (one shirt) + $1.00 (to Dad) + $1.00 (to Mom) + $1.00 to you = $100.00

Keep it simple . . . πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Yahzmin β™₯β™₯ 4ever
It’s apples and oranges. The 2 debts are debts. The $1 is an ASSET, as is the shirt, worth $97. So Debts = $98 and Assets = $98 ($97+$1).

A few days ago
Since this $1 is part of your origional $100 loan, you wouldn’t add it to the debt, you would subtract it ($98 – $1 = $97) because you could further pay down your debt with it, as if you were to repay each parent $1.50 ($100 – $3 = $97)

A few days ago

Mom = $50

Dad = $50

You = $0

After borrowing:

Mom = $0

Dad = $0

You = $100

After buying:

Mom = $0

Dad = $0

You = $3 + $97/shirt

After repaying:

Mom: $1

Dad: $1

You: $1 + $97/shirt

As you can see, in each phase there is a total net worth of $100.

The $1 you have left should be SUBTRACTED from your debt to see your net, not added.

This is a common word problem scheme trying to confuse the math, but in actuality if you keep track of signs, it’s not difficult to see. You have $98 of debt which yields you $1 and a shirt worth $97.

Best of luck!


A few days ago
You paid your Mom $1, but you still owe her $49. That equals $50. You paid your Dad $1, but you still owe him $49. That’s another $50. 50+50=100. Good question.

A few days ago
John R
The 98 is your debt you should substract your asset of $1 to get $97… If you want to get back to the $100 count the dollar paid to mom and the dollar paid to day and the dollary you have.

You got to do accounting and/or math correctly to get the correct answer.


A few days ago
steve m
your math is wrong you would subtract the dollar not add leaving you with $97 the total cost of the shirt. The dollar would also be split in half and you would owe each parent 1.50

A few days ago
cindy abc
If you paid 97 dollars for the shirt, you have three dollars left. It doesn’t matter that you borrowed $50.00 from your parents. You still have 3 dollars left. You should give them $1.50 each and not $1.00 each. If you gave them $1.00 each, you still have $.50 + $.50 left.

7 years ago
I searched across the net and found a bunch of scams. After all the webpage that did it for me= loanhome.info-

RE Can anyone genius out there answer this?

you want to buy a shirt worth 97 bucks (just for example) , but you dont have any money. you borrowed 50 bucks from ur mom and 50 from your dad. so now you bought the shirt and you have a change of 3 bucks. you gave back $1 to your mom and $1 to your dad. So now you owe your mom and dad 49 bucks…. and you have $1 left to yourself.

here’s the iq test:
to solve this all, if you add your debts to your mom and dad, you would have 98 bucks (49+49) and when you add the $1 left to you, you would have 99 bucks……..

where did the $1 go?
isnt it, it’s supposed to be 100?


A few days ago
How’d you get 99? o.0

49 + 49 = 98

plus the one you have yourself .. but then you gave two to your parents, which would mean you had 101 to start with?


A few days ago
Are you f**king kidding me ? Is that even a question ? Did you ever attend a math class ? Were you ever able to do the math while shopping for somethin ? Plz god why dont you give salvation to people with such ridiculous questions ?

Oh my god, so many questions ?

And btw sorry, no offense, just kidding πŸ™‚