A few days ago

Abstinence only?

In many school districts, public schools can only teach “abstinence-only,” in my opinion, that is obviously not working. So do you think schools should teach about contraceptives and birth control??

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A few days ago

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i’m a college student in my 20’s in los angeles and I honestly have to agree with the answer listed above mine..

The school’s i’ve attended (both public and private) had a huge problem with students and their lack of respect for their own bodies and the bodies of others. People looked at sex in high school as simply a fad, a thing that “had to be done” to be “cool” or because society told them it “felt good.” My peers didn’t respect anyone, and this is a huge problem. The handing out of condoms, the easy availbility of abortion, and the lack of any moral training contributed greately.

Abstinence is not religious based, its REASON based. People in high school have been brainwashed to think that if they don’t have sex their is something wrong with them, but this is wrong. All the people I knew ended up with so many emotional (Not to mention physical) problems it was rediculous. Several of them turned into depressed “cutters” or ran from one man or woman to the next.

I think that abstinence should be the only thing taught in schools. However, for something like this to work the schools, parents, and society should realize that kids are being brainwashed (mainly through the media) to think that sex is all there is. Relationships that are meaningful have been relplaced by quick-fixed pleasure fixations. Its sad. Statistically people who listen to music with sexual references are more likely to engage in that behavior, and the same thing goes for if you watch it on TV too.

Everyone nowadays knows about condoms, i don’t think things like this need to be taught in school, and certainly not condoned by passing them out like candy to students. Its like saying “here wear this sweater,” That is the attitude of many educators and students concerning their sexuality. But this attitude is wrong. It leads to unwanted pregnancies, disease, heartbreak, and long term emotional trauma.


A few days ago
Should schools be teaching contraception and birth control? I think not. That’s really the responsibility of the parents, and the sad thing is most parents expect the schools to teach their children about everything (and then they wonder why their children are so screwed up). Teachers are getting way too much unwarranted responsibility heaped upon them. The parents need to take an active role in the lives of their children and make sure they’re learning the basic skills they need in life (reading, writing, math) as well as the social skills they need (relationships, sex, etiquette, respect, etc.). Too many parents let their kids get their education from TV and are too wrapped up in their own career aspirations or keeping up with the Joneses to actually act like parents. So don’t blame the “abstinence only” education in public schools for teen pregnancy — blame parents who are too self-absorbed to bother doing their jobs.

A few days ago
Well contraceptives and birth control aren’t working either. I think we should take the kids to witness a birth and have them talk to teens who have gone through the process of pregnancy and AIDS and then have the kids decide how they want to handle it. I still say that abstinence is still the only way to be 100% sure that you won’t get pregnant.

A few days ago
No, schools should not teach anything of the kind.

These issues should be left to the families who are much better suited to teach their children about self respect, morality, and living right according to their belief system than any school, or prevention program ever will be.

It is not about safe sex, it is about self respect, and respecting the other person.

I know this is not the “popular view” of today, or even yesterday for that matter, but have you ever thought about how easy it really is to prevent all the things they are trying to protect you from by giving you the “education, and “tools” to have “safe sex”?

Kids there is no such thing as “safe sex”, you take a change each and every time, both physically, and emotionally.

An ounce of prevention; abstinence; is truly worth much more than a ton of hurt, and disappointment.

Please spare me the rhetoric of telling me I am not realistic, it is those who do not give young people, and their families enough credit that are not realistic.

Abstinence programs are working all over the country, but do people really want to admit this?, seeing that that would take many of these so called “prevention programs” out of funding arena.


A few days ago
Yes I do think schools should teach students about birth control and contraceptives. Even if they don’t teach it to everyone(because some people may not want to learn about that stuff/they don’t care) they should atleast give the option for those students that want to be informed. Schools should not just teach about abstinence because obviously many students don’t wait!!

A few days ago
I agree that it is not working. Unfortunately todays culture does not support abstinence, and therefore kids should be armed with the knowledge to keep themselves and their partners safe. This means teaching both abstinence AND birth control.

A few days ago
go avs!
Abstinence only is a stupid concept. Kids should be taught about what is going on with their bodies and they should be taught both the good and bad aspects of sex. Sex education is not an open invitation to have sex.

Keep the damn church out of public schools.


A few days ago
Teach kids the financial cost of raising a child.

“If you have a baby, it is going to cost you [insert X amount during pregancy] … do you know how many video games, clothes, [etc] you could buy with that?”

You could also get into the amount of personal time they lose in doing it. For the first year or so, how much time you think they will have to spend going to parties?


A few days ago
Kat Mak

The old way of sex-before-marriage is outdated.

I might not get married until I’m 30

Should I have to wait that long? Or should we teach teens to wait until they know they’re ready, whenever that time might be?

Providing kids with knowledge debunks rumors and creates healthier lifestyles.

Sheltering them from the real world only provides ignorance.


A few days ago